The new building at 951 Seacoast Drive is touted as a public amenity for everything from ocean-view dining to yoga and birdwatching tours.But to many neighbors of the two-story commercial building, which sits across the …
The notices to vacate keep coming for tenants of Hawaiian Gardens and Sussex Gardens, neighboring apartment groups on Imperial Beach Boulevard.Over 100 low-income, elderly and disabled tenants are facing eviction, and many showed up at …
The Tijuana River Valley is a large estuary complex that drains the watershed area from the east and the urban runoff of Tijuana from the south, sending both flowing out into the Pacific Ocean to …
Since last month, concerns over air toxins sparked chaos across San Diego County. Schools abruptly canceled physical education classes in the southern part of the county after a "chemicals of war" warning from a local …
San Diego County’s oceanfront beaches have long been showered with praise by everyone from local tourism officials and travel writers to hotels, travel agencies, and even universities. Platitudes about our “70 miles of glorious coastline” …
Brought to you by the Cohn Restaurant Group, this hotel restau gives San Diegans an …
In 1971, local biologists Joy Zedler and Paul Jorgensen, along with Mike McCoy, a wildlife …
Hours: 11 a.m. –9 p.m. daily (Friday, Saturday, until 10 p.m.) Prices: Classic Fish ’N’ …
Prices: Daily special, fish taco 99 cents, beer $1.50; regular prices include shrimp burritos, $7.75; …
Five tables, pale blue and white floor tiles, cream tile skirting, white walls, acoustic ceiling, …
10:30–6:30 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays; closed Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays Prices: Egg breakfast sandwich, $3.50; egg …