You selfish idiots! What were you thinking? You killed the Koi. Those aren't just cheap little goldfish. You destroyed the water lillies. You trampled the landscaping. You broke the law!
If this so called party had been at your own home, that you actually owned, not rented, and all the damage was done to plants and landscaping that you had worked hard to plant, then only you would be hurt.
But for you unthinking, selfish, immature so called party goers to do all this damage to someone else's property is so beyond making any sense.
You should have gotten a clue when you trampled plants. Why were you damaging plants that were not yours? You should have gotten a clue when you stepped into the lily pond. It was not your pond and it had living animals in it. Why in the world would you think that could possibly be ok? You should have gotten a clue when you scooped water out of the pond, How in the world did you expect the water lillies and the fish to live without water?
I hope that by now you realize what totally inexcusable damage you did and have nightmares about it being your own property with your koi that had been living in your pond for years. I also hope that you are mature enough to step forward with money to pay for the damage, that you apologize, and that you have the guts to accept responsibility for your unthinking actions.
That party was wrong in every sense of the word.
Now grow up.
You selfish idiots! What were you thinking? You killed the Koi. Those aren't just cheap little goldfish. You destroyed the water lillies. You trampled the landscaping. You broke the law!
If this so called party had been at your own home, that you actually owned, not rented, and all the damage was done to plants and landscaping that you had worked hard to plant, then only you would be hurt.
But for you unthinking, selfish, immature so called party goers to do all this damage to someone else's property is so beyond making any sense.
You should have gotten a clue when you trampled plants. Why were you damaging plants that were not yours? You should have gotten a clue when you stepped into the lily pond. It was not your pond and it had living animals in it. Why in the world would you think that could possibly be ok? You should have gotten a clue when you scooped water out of the pond, How in the world did you expect the water lillies and the fish to live without water?
I hope that by now you realize what totally inexcusable damage you did and have nightmares about it being your own property with your koi that had been living in your pond for years. I also hope that you are mature enough to step forward with money to pay for the damage, that you apologize, and that you have the guts to accept responsibility for your unthinking actions.
That party was wrong in every sense of the word.
Now grow up.