University of California (UC) tuition, fee increases are an insult. Californians face mortgage defaults, 12% unemployment, pay reductions, loss of unemployment benefits. No layoff or wage reductions for UC Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Faculty during greatest recession of modern times. There is no good reason to raise tuition, fees when wage concessions are available. UC wages must reflect California's ability to pay, not what others are paid. If wages better elsewhere, chancellors, vice chancellors, tenured, non tenured faculty, UCOP apply for the positions. If wages determine commitment to UC Berkeley, leave for better paying position. The sky above the 10 campuses will not fall. Pitch in (with deeds not words) for all California Democrats, Republicans UC! No furloughs. UCOP 18% reduction salaries & $50 million cut. Chancellors’ Vice-Chancellors’, 18% cut. Tenured faculty 15% trim. Non-Tenured, 10% reduction. Academic Senate, Council remove 100% costs salaries. It is especially galling to continue to generously compensate chancellors, vice-chancellors, faculty while Californians are making financial sacrifices and faculty, chancellor, vice-chancellor turnover is one of the lowest of public universities. The message that President Yudof, UC Board of Regent Chair Lansing, UC Berkeley Birgeneau are sending is that they have more concern for generously paid chancellors, faculty. The few at the top need to get a grip on economic reality and fairness. The California Legislature needs a Bill to oversee higher education salaries, tuition.
University of California (UC) tuition, fee increases are an insult. Californians face mortgage defaults, 12% unemployment, pay reductions, loss of unemployment benefits. No layoff or wage reductions for UC Chancellors, Vice Chancellors, Faculty during greatest recession of modern times. There is no good reason to raise tuition, fees when wage concessions are available. UC wages must reflect California's ability to pay, not what others are paid. If wages better elsewhere, chancellors, vice chancellors, tenured, non tenured faculty, UCOP apply for the positions. If wages determine commitment to UC Berkeley, leave for better paying position. The sky above the 10 campuses will not fall. Pitch in (with deeds not words) for all California Democrats, Republicans UC! No furloughs. UCOP 18% reduction salaries & $50 million cut. Chancellors’ Vice-Chancellors’, 18% cut. Tenured faculty 15% trim. Non-Tenured, 10% reduction. Academic Senate, Council remove 100% costs salaries. It is especially galling to continue to generously compensate chancellors, vice-chancellors, faculty while Californians are making financial sacrifices and faculty, chancellor, vice-chancellor turnover is one of the lowest of public universities. The message that President Yudof, UC Board of Regent Chair Lansing, UC Berkeley Birgeneau are sending is that they have more concern for generously paid chancellors, faculty. The few at the top need to get a grip on economic reality and fairness. The California Legislature needs a Bill to oversee higher education salaries, tuition.