Chili’s Restaurant, always reminds me of high school somehow. Like Bob’s Big Boy. The kind of food you eat before you can go to a bar. It’s like family bar food. High fat, loud, raucous. I know they have a bar in there too, but it’s more like a bar in training wheels “let’s teach the kids how to act in a pub” or for a young man on his first date. I’m so cool, I took you to a restaurant with a bar. We had “wings” for dinner.
Denny’s, Coco’s, I put them all in the same category, but I’m not sure those two have bars. I would never think of going into Denny’s for a “drink” would you? The food is pretty clean there.
I went in there to see if I could get a regular old grilled cheese sandwich, you know two pieces of white bread, some American cheese, grilled in butter to a crisp, along with let’s say tomato soup, or even big dinner fries and catsup. But no, even Denny’s had to offer choice of cheese, and add a tomato and an avocado if you wished. Is there anywhere that just serves a basic grilled cheese, a basic BLT that actually fits in your palm, in your mouth, without scattering pieces of bacon, bits of tomato, chunks of hearty toasted bread all over the table and your lap.
Chili’s Restaurant, always reminds me of high school somehow. Like Bob’s Big Boy. The kind of food you eat before you can go to a bar. It’s like family bar food. High fat, loud, raucous. I know they have a bar in there too, but it’s more like a bar in training wheels “let’s teach the kids how to act in a pub” or for a young man on his first date. I’m so cool, I took you to a restaurant with a bar. We had “wings” for dinner.
Denny’s, Coco’s, I put them all in the same category, but I’m not sure those two have bars. I would never think of going into Denny’s for a “drink” would you? The food is pretty clean there.
I went in there to see if I could get a regular old grilled cheese sandwich, you know two pieces of white bread, some American cheese, grilled in butter to a crisp, along with let’s say tomato soup, or even big dinner fries and catsup. But no, even Denny’s had to offer choice of cheese, and add a tomato and an avocado if you wished. Is there anywhere that just serves a basic grilled cheese, a basic BLT that actually fits in your palm, in your mouth, without scattering pieces of bacon, bits of tomato, chunks of hearty toasted bread all over the table and your lap.