The electoral and judicial processes will soon produce an opportunity for this community to select one or more of us to serve as a Trustee for the Sweetwater School District. I address those who have risen to the challenge to answer the following questions.
WHY IS IT THAT FOR SO LONG THE MAJORITY OF TRUSTEES HAVE LIVED IN BONITA/EAST CHULA VISTA? Is it because other neighborhoods within the boundaries of the Sweetwater School District do not have community members who are willing and able to serve as a Trustee? I think not!
District wide elections for seats on the Sweetwater School Board have and will continue to produce such geographically disproportionate representation. It is time for this very large school district to be divided into areas with an elected representative from each.
I am just saying…….bring representation closer to the people being represented.
— vendors currently doing business with the district, or hoping to in the future,
— wealthy individual{s} with a “personal “ agenda hoping for an uninformed electorate,
— unions that place member welfare above that of our children,
— political parties who view board seats as a “vetting“ process for future party stars
WAS MADE BECAUSE OF A LONG AND DEEPLY HELD INTEREST IN THE EDUCATION OF THIS COMMUNITY’S CHILDREN? I think not! Put clearly defined limits on the amount of money that can be contributed to a candidate’s campaign for a seat on the Sweetwater School Board.
I am just saying…..the education of our children is too important to be trusted to vendors, rich egos, unions and party hacks.
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THE WAY THE LAST TWO SUPERINTENDENTS WERE SELECTED AND THE RESULTS THAT HAVE FOLLOWED? I think not! The process for hiring the next superintendant must be inclusive and open. Extra care must be put forth to include in a meaningful way a wide variety of stakeholders who live in this community. This process presents a unique opportunity to bring the community together and a big first step in changing perceptions of the Sweetwater School District.
I am just saying….the hiring of a superintendent to lead this district on a day to day basis, face and resolve ongoing issues and plan for the future is a number one first priority.
Who possesses the courage, wisdom, and leadership skills to answer the challenges raised by these questions? And, upon the completion of their term, whether elected or appointed, WILL STEP ASIDE AND NOT RUN? This courageous act allows the next election cycle to be incumbent free and elections by area with a clearly define limit on campaign contributions.
I am just saying…..then, and only then, will we have a school board elected by the people of this community who will represent the best interests of the children of this community.
Bob Strahl
Retired Educator
Chula Vista Resident since 1970
The electoral and judicial processes will soon produce an opportunity for this community to select one or more of us to serve as a Trustee for the Sweetwater School District. I address those who have risen to the challenge to answer the following questions.
WHY IS IT THAT FOR SO LONG THE MAJORITY OF TRUSTEES HAVE LIVED IN BONITA/EAST CHULA VISTA? Is it because other neighborhoods within the boundaries of the Sweetwater School District do not have community members who are willing and able to serve as a Trustee? I think not!
District wide elections for seats on the Sweetwater School Board have and will continue to produce such geographically disproportionate representation. It is time for this very large school district to be divided into areas with an elected representative from each.
I am just saying…….bring representation closer to the people being represented.
— vendors currently doing business with the district, or hoping to in the future,
— wealthy individual{s} with a “personal “ agenda hoping for an uninformed electorate,
— unions that place member welfare above that of our children,
— political parties who view board seats as a “vetting“ process for future party stars
WAS MADE BECAUSE OF A LONG AND DEEPLY HELD INTEREST IN THE EDUCATION OF THIS COMMUNITY’S CHILDREN? I think not! Put clearly defined limits on the amount of money that can be contributed to a candidate’s campaign for a seat on the Sweetwater School Board.
I am just saying…..the education of our children is too important to be trusted to vendors, rich egos, unions and party hacks.
ARE YOU HAPPY WITH THE WAY THE LAST TWO SUPERINTENDENTS WERE SELECTED AND THE RESULTS THAT HAVE FOLLOWED? I think not! The process for hiring the next superintendant must be inclusive and open. Extra care must be put forth to include in a meaningful way a wide variety of stakeholders who live in this community. This process presents a unique opportunity to bring the community together and a big first step in changing perceptions of the Sweetwater School District.
I am just saying….the hiring of a superintendent to lead this district on a day to day basis, face and resolve ongoing issues and plan for the future is a number one first priority.
Who possesses the courage, wisdom, and leadership skills to answer the challenges raised by these questions? And, upon the completion of their term, whether elected or appointed, WILL STEP ASIDE AND NOT RUN? This courageous act allows the next election cycle to be incumbent free and elections by area with a clearly define limit on campaign contributions.
I am just saying…..then, and only then, will we have a school board elected by the people of this community who will represent the best interests of the children of this community.
Bob Strahl
Retired Educator
Chula Vista Resident since 1970