Buckle Up
hold tight now
and the calliope of life speeds into high gear
and leaves only the fast lane available to travel on
buckle up
no more caressing the mind into harmony
the way is blurring and the star stream awaits
hold your breath
settle swiftly into the rhythm of the universe
it's been patiently waiting for you to arrive
squirming hard
you've rubbernecked your way thus far
taken your appointed time and juggled life with ease
thumbs up
hitchiked in the open fields of natures generosity
never a thought of quantum leaps thru linear thoughts
deerlike bounding
foraging passionately without careful preparation
easy fruitful rambuctuous ramblings
madly enter
fill the starstream with your poetic dreams
Buckle Up
hold tight now
and the calliope of life speeds into high gear
and leaves only the fast lane available to travel on
buckle up
no more caressing the mind into harmony
the way is blurring and the star stream awaits
hold your breath
settle swiftly into the rhythm of the universe
it's been patiently waiting for you to arrive
squirming hard
you've rubbernecked your way thus far
taken your appointed time and juggled life with ease
thumbs up
hitchiked in the open fields of natures generosity
never a thought of quantum leaps thru linear thoughts
deerlike bounding
foraging passionately without careful preparation
easy fruitful rambuctuous ramblings
madly enter
fill the starstream with your poetic dreams