July Is San Diego's Driest Month
According to precipitation data compiled since the year 1850, July Is San Diego's driest month. Only four hundredths of an inch of rain falls on average this month, compared to almost two inches in January -- the wettest month. July …
Agaves, Crape Myrtles, and Native Lilies
Agaves, (a.k.a. century plants), are coming into bloom in many summer gardens this month. After a decade or more (not a century) of growth, the larger kinds of agave send up a tall, yellow-blossomed flower stalk from a base of …
A Strawberry Moon and the Latest Sunset of 2010
June's Full Moon, which occurs on the evening of Friday, June 25 through the morning of Saturday, June 26, is sometimes called the "rose moon," "strawberry moon," or "honey moon" because of its tinted color. Especially when seen from the …
June Bugs
June Bugs are emerging as summer's warmth is finally upon us. The green June beetle, only one of some 300 species of scarab beetles found in Southern California, flashes a metallic green underbelly as its buzzes about erratically. The mature …
Summer Solstice
Summer Solstice, the time when the sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky, occurs this year at 4:28am on Monday, June 21. The summer solstice not only marks the beginning of summer for the Northern Hemisphere; it also means …
Cobbled Shorelines, Colorful Foliage, Magnolia, and Buckwheat
Cobbled Shorelines are greeting some beachgoers early this summer season, as in past years. North County beaches tend to suffer most, because natural sand replenishment in the area is disrupted by dams blocking the flow of sediment down the larger …
The Earliest Sunrise of 2010
Earliest Sunrise this year, reckoned in Daylight Saving Time, occurs Monday, June 14 at 5:38am. This event occurs about a week before the longest day of the year -- the summer solstice -- because of factors related to the shape …
Low Tides and Grunion Runs This Weekend
June's Lowest Tides are for early risers only! Check out the local tidepool life without hordes of other people around. Saturday, June 12 features a minus 1.3-foot tide at 4:08am. Sunday, June 13 brings a minus 1.5-foot tide at 4:50am. …
Elderberry, two species of which range over most of San Diego County, is in full bloom this month. The flat-topped, creamy-white blossoms of this large shrub or small tree can be seen in the natural coastal canyon areas such as …
The Chirping of Crickits, Western Azalea, and the Blooming of Desert Annuals
The Chirping of Crickets tells us the warmer weather of summer is well on its way. Their plaintive pleadings for mates are heard wherever bits of semi-natural scenery cut across the urban tapestry of San Diego. Try the Spruce Street …
June Gloom and Ocean Temps
"June Gloom," the cool and intermittently overcast conditions likely to dominate the beach and coastal areas through the remainder of this month, mocks the already sizzling temperatures inland. If it weren't for the ocean's enormous resistance to changes in temperature, …
Oleanders and Wildflowers
Spring Wildflowers may have largely dried up in most areas of San Diego County, but in the cooler coastal enclaves such as Cabrillo National Monument and Torrey Pines State Reserve, several kinds remain. Look for paintbrush, purple nightshade, coreopsis, sea …
Grunion on the Run
Grunion Runs are predicted to occur during the late evening hours (generally after 10pm and before 1am), following the nocturnal high tide, May 28 through 30. The small, silvery grunion tend to spawn on wide, gently sloping beaches such as …
May Tides, Merry Moon
Highest Tides this month, measuring +6.3 feet, occur on Wednesday, May 26 at 8:41pm, and also on Thursday, May 27 at 9:19pm. The lowest tides of the month, measuring -1.2 feet, occur on Thursday, May 27, at the inconvenient hour …
Rabbits, Rodents, and Blooming Flowers
Rabbit and Rodent population is peaking in the canyons and hillsides of coastal San Diego County. In many neighborhoods, car headlights illuminate the rear ends of scampering cottontail rabbits making raids on succulent garden vegetation. On the fringes of suburbia, …
Grunion Runs Under a Crescent Moon
Grunion Runs are predicted to occur during the late evening hours (generally after 10pm and before 1am), following the nocturnal high tide, May 14 through 16. The small, silvery grunion tend to spawn on wide, gently sloping beaches such as …
Wildflower Bloom
San Diego's Coastal Wildflower Bloom continues practically unabated this year owing to late-season rains in April. On north-facing slopes and in shady canyon bottoms, where the sun's drying effects have not yet taken hold, look for native red monkeyflower, blue-eyed …
Chamise, Buckwheat, and Wild Lilac
Chamise and Buckwheat, two of the most common native flowering plants in San Diego County's sage-scrub and chaparral plant communities, are in flower this month through June. Chamise, also known as greasewood, readily sprouts from root crowns after fire. Since …
Silk Oaks and Monkey-Flowers
The Silk Oak Tree, a fast-growing import from Australia, comes into short-lived glory this month. Golden flower clusters decorate the silvery-green branches, an effect that is particularly stunning when seen in contrast to the blue-blossoming jacaranda trees often planted nearby. …
The Grunion Are Running
Grunion Runs are predicted to occur during the late evening hours (generally after 10am and before 1am), following the nocturnal high tide, on April 29 though May 1. The small, silvery grunion tend to spawn on wide, gently sloping beaches …