Check out the local tidepool life without hordes of other people around. Tuesday, July 21 features a minus 1.6-foot tide at 3:36 a.m. On Wednesday, July 22 there's a minus 1.6-foot tide at 4:17 a.m. Forget those ... but before work on Thursday, July 23, consider rolling out of bed early to catch the minus 1.5-foot tide at 4:56 a.m. Or more reasonably, try Friday's minus 1.1-foot tide at 5:35 a.m. Low tides on subsequent mornings are much higher, and not very suitable for tidepool exploration. Tuesday, July 21 at 9:15 p.m. is notable as the occasion for the highest tide level for all of 2009: +7.1 feet. The times and tide levels given here are predictions for the Scripps Institution pier. Other locales along the San Diego County coast have slightly different data.
Check out the local tidepool life without hordes of other people around. Tuesday, July 21 features a minus 1.6-foot tide at 3:36 a.m. On Wednesday, July 22 there's a minus 1.6-foot tide at 4:17 a.m. Forget those ... but before work on Thursday, July 23, consider rolling out of bed early to catch the minus 1.5-foot tide at 4:56 a.m. Or more reasonably, try Friday's minus 1.1-foot tide at 5:35 a.m. Low tides on subsequent mornings are much higher, and not very suitable for tidepool exploration. Tuesday, July 21 at 9:15 p.m. is notable as the occasion for the highest tide level for all of 2009: +7.1 feet. The times and tide levels given here are predictions for the Scripps Institution pier. Other locales along the San Diego County coast have slightly different data.