Ordinary talc will kill them and any insect upto 16th of an inch, fleas, lice or sailors crabs to name a few. NOT CORNSTARCH, only talc does it, insects breathe through their ekoskeltons or skin, talc cuts through microscopically and they sufocate instantly.
Spread a thin layer on you or in hair or on cloth such as on furniture or even pillow cases. For beds, remove bedding linens, spread thin layer of talc, remake bed, As you sleep, bedbugs attracted to your body warmth will kill themselves and become kami kazi dead.
ETC/ONE: Mix soy sauce one half and other half apple cider vinegar, cuts sodium in half, and vinegar will help your arteries and lower cholesterol.
ETC/TWO: Boil spaghetti , adding a halfcup of rolled oats and one yellow corn tortilla cut in small pieces near finish producing interesting textures, adding spray olive oil, withwhatever you desire to complete dish. Oats will help your regularity and tortillas a healthy dose of lutein to physically improve your eyes! Mexicans eat corn tortillas daily, how many you see wearing glasses?, damn few.
ETC/THREE: CHEAP SUPER CEREAL...mix from bought container of same, rolled oats, add fresh, frozen. or dried blueberries and some cocoa chips, adding milk, let it sit for moment, then consume. To Hell with Cheerios!
JBPOETGARDENER. March 4, 2011. More ideas will be added weekly. towards future book, "How To Bite Women With Words."
Ordinary talc will kill them and any insect upto 16th of an inch, fleas, lice or sailors crabs to name a few. NOT CORNSTARCH, only talc does it, insects breathe through their ekoskeltons or skin, talc cuts through microscopically and they sufocate instantly.
Spread a thin layer on you or in hair or on cloth such as on furniture or even pillow cases. For beds, remove bedding linens, spread thin layer of talc, remake bed, As you sleep, bedbugs attracted to your body warmth will kill themselves and become kami kazi dead.
ETC/ONE: Mix soy sauce one half and other half apple cider vinegar, cuts sodium in half, and vinegar will help your arteries and lower cholesterol.
ETC/TWO: Boil spaghetti , adding a halfcup of rolled oats and one yellow corn tortilla cut in small pieces near finish producing interesting textures, adding spray olive oil, withwhatever you desire to complete dish. Oats will help your regularity and tortillas a healthy dose of lutein to physically improve your eyes! Mexicans eat corn tortillas daily, how many you see wearing glasses?, damn few.
ETC/THREE: CHEAP SUPER CEREAL...mix from bought container of same, rolled oats, add fresh, frozen. or dried blueberries and some cocoa chips, adding milk, let it sit for moment, then consume. To Hell with Cheerios!
JBPOETGARDENER. March 4, 2011. More ideas will be added weekly. towards future book, "How To Bite Women With Words."