Certain weather conditions - such as heavy fog - cause San Diego International Airport to flip the direction of its incoming and outgoing flights. Instead of taking off over Ocean Beach, planes come in over Ocean Beach.
In this installment of OB in HD, we point the Canon HV-30 at a typical incoming flight on a damp and foggy but still largely moonlit night. The footage opens with a shot of a snail making its way across a humidity-slicked stretch of cement, with the HV-30's onboard light illuminating the subject.
Certain weather conditions - such as heavy fog - cause San Diego International Airport to flip the direction of its incoming and outgoing flights. Instead of taking off over Ocean Beach, planes come in over Ocean Beach.
In this installment of OB in HD, we point the Canon HV-30 at a typical incoming flight on a damp and foggy but still largely moonlit night. The footage opens with a shot of a snail making its way across a humidity-slicked stretch of cement, with the HV-30's onboard light illuminating the subject.