Elected officials throughout San Diego County who sit on SANDAG's Board of Directors have just three days left to sign up for the agency's annual Board of Directors retreat.
This year's all-expense-paid retreat will be held at Barona Casino from February 6 to February 8. Costs for the annual retreat for the next four years are budgeted at $85,000 dollars, according to a proposal issued in June 2012. The cost for each year is capped at $21,250. According to a spokesperson for SANDAG, last year's retreat totaled $17,629.
A total of 50 rooms will be set aside at the Casino resort for that weekend in February at a cost of $105 per night, plus an additional 8 percent for tax. The government agency also reserved two suites for the mid-week getaway, priced at $225 and $275 respectively.
And what's a getaway without some good grub? Attendees will be fed three meals for each day as well as breakfast on the day of departure. The breakdown: breakfast will cost $15 per person, lunch $26.40, and dinner $46.80, for a total of $88.20 per person per night.
So far, thirteen board members have already signed up to attend. They are:
Ed Gallo, Escondido Sam Abed, Escondido Jim Janney, Imperial Beach Chanelle Hawken, SD Regional Airport Authority Mary Sessom, Lemon Grove Lee Haydu, Del Mar David Barnum, Water Authority Terry Sinnott, Del Mar Don Higginson, Poway Lisa Shaffer, Encinitas Lesa Heebner, Solana Beach Clifford Maurer, NAVFAC Southwest Art Madrid, La Mesa
Correction: An earlier version of this story that reported the annual retreat's cost to be $85,000 was incorrect. The $85,000 is the agreement for four years. The amount budgeted for the annual retreat is capped at $21,250.
Elected officials throughout San Diego County who sit on SANDAG's Board of Directors have just three days left to sign up for the agency's annual Board of Directors retreat.
This year's all-expense-paid retreat will be held at Barona Casino from February 6 to February 8. Costs for the annual retreat for the next four years are budgeted at $85,000 dollars, according to a proposal issued in June 2012. The cost for each year is capped at $21,250. According to a spokesperson for SANDAG, last year's retreat totaled $17,629.
A total of 50 rooms will be set aside at the Casino resort for that weekend in February at a cost of $105 per night, plus an additional 8 percent for tax. The government agency also reserved two suites for the mid-week getaway, priced at $225 and $275 respectively.
And what's a getaway without some good grub? Attendees will be fed three meals for each day as well as breakfast on the day of departure. The breakdown: breakfast will cost $15 per person, lunch $26.40, and dinner $46.80, for a total of $88.20 per person per night.
So far, thirteen board members have already signed up to attend. They are:
Ed Gallo, Escondido Sam Abed, Escondido Jim Janney, Imperial Beach Chanelle Hawken, SD Regional Airport Authority Mary Sessom, Lemon Grove Lee Haydu, Del Mar David Barnum, Water Authority Terry Sinnott, Del Mar Don Higginson, Poway Lisa Shaffer, Encinitas Lesa Heebner, Solana Beach Clifford Maurer, NAVFAC Southwest Art Madrid, La Mesa
Correction: An earlier version of this story that reported the annual retreat's cost to be $85,000 was incorrect. The $85,000 is the agreement for four years. The amount budgeted for the annual retreat is capped at $21,250.