The item on today's closed session agenda of the University of California's Regents compensation committee regarding the Scripps Institution of Oceanography directorship now held by Tony Haymet has been quietly stricken.
As first reported here September 9, the regents docketed the matter as, "Term Appointment of and Compensation for Acting Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, Director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Dean of the Graduate School of Marine Sciences, San Diego Campus."
The item triggered speculation that the Haymet, who has held SIO fundraisers here with high-profile environmental notables including Al Gore and Monaco's Prince Albert, might be on his way out, but a spokeswoman for the university told us she had no further information about the matter and the Scripps media office was no more helpful.
The item was striken sometime after our inquiries.
The item on today's closed session agenda of the University of California's Regents compensation committee regarding the Scripps Institution of Oceanography directorship now held by Tony Haymet has been quietly stricken.
As first reported here September 9, the regents docketed the matter as, "Term Appointment of and Compensation for Acting Vice Chancellor for Marine Sciences, Director of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and Dean of the Graduate School of Marine Sciences, San Diego Campus."
The item triggered speculation that the Haymet, who has held SIO fundraisers here with high-profile environmental notables including Al Gore and Monaco's Prince Albert, might be on his way out, but a spokeswoman for the university told us she had no further information about the matter and the Scripps media office was no more helpful.
The item was striken sometime after our inquiries.