i'd just as soon be blogging for yoga pants....my chances of winning dollars here at the Reader r slim to none
as u can see i use ghetto shorthand so down go my chances by 100%
i've been reading many of the new bloggers here and i'm both edified and confused
er ..um..what the heck is happening to blogging at the Reader?
it's like it's been hit by a maniac with a scatter gun
that homey atmosphere has disappeared....to be replace with LARGE numbers of ???news???
we do have a few worthwhile nubies
Railsplitter spins quite a real yarn about his many and varied adventures
and all the tried and true bloggers r up to snuff and blog occasionally
but so much of what i see here is just verbally rehashed news and opinion
i miss the neighborhood personal bloggers
ally ally axin free...come out come out wherever u are
i'd just as soon be blogging for yoga pants....my chances of winning dollars here at the Reader r slim to none
as u can see i use ghetto shorthand so down go my chances by 100%
i've been reading many of the new bloggers here and i'm both edified and confused
er ..um..what the heck is happening to blogging at the Reader?
it's like it's been hit by a maniac with a scatter gun
that homey atmosphere has disappeared....to be replace with LARGE numbers of ???news???
we do have a few worthwhile nubies
Railsplitter spins quite a real yarn about his many and varied adventures
and all the tried and true bloggers r up to snuff and blog occasionally
but so much of what i see here is just verbally rehashed news and opinion
i miss the neighborhood personal bloggers
ally ally axin free...come out come out wherever u are