Before we wrap ourselves in the flag, aka: drink beers, get a sunburn, and watch fireworks, I'd like to share a few verses.
While reading the second and third verses of "America the Beautiful," I found myself moved by the ideal nation they describe.
O beautiful for pilgrim feet,/ Whose stern impassioned stress/ A thoroughfare for freedom beat/ Across the wilderness!/ America! America! God mend thine every flaw,/ Confirm thy soul in self-control,/ Thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes proved/ In liberating strife,/ Who more than self their country loved,/ And mercy more than life!/ America! America! May God thy gold refine,/ Till all success be nobleness,/ And every gain divine.
Two lines that jumped out at me were, "Confirm thy soul in self control" and "Till all success be nobleness".
Self-control and nobleness might be something our politicians could cultivate more.
Before we wrap ourselves in the flag, aka: drink beers, get a sunburn, and watch fireworks, I'd like to share a few verses.
While reading the second and third verses of "America the Beautiful," I found myself moved by the ideal nation they describe.
O beautiful for pilgrim feet,/ Whose stern impassioned stress/ A thoroughfare for freedom beat/ Across the wilderness!/ America! America! God mend thine every flaw,/ Confirm thy soul in self-control,/ Thy liberty in law.
O beautiful for heroes proved/ In liberating strife,/ Who more than self their country loved,/ And mercy more than life!/ America! America! May God thy gold refine,/ Till all success be nobleness,/ And every gain divine.
Two lines that jumped out at me were, "Confirm thy soul in self control" and "Till all success be nobleness".
Self-control and nobleness might be something our politicians could cultivate more.