Red Zone back for second year
The High School Red Zone is back for the 2009 high school football season. For the second straight season, the Red Zone will be home to in-depth coverage for high school football throughout the San Diego Section.
Coverage will start later this month as the Red Zone looks in on camps around San Diego. Check back to see how your favorite team will fare this season.
What’s new this season
More video highlights
The Red Zone has a YouTube channel. Expect more video highlights in 2009. Here’s a sample highlight from last year’s Eastlake-Helix playoff game:
The Red Zone is on Twitter
Follow the Red Zone on Twitter as we tweet breaking high school football and basketball news. We have 17 followers thus far.
Daily Content
Starting in the regular season, the Red Zone will feature daily content:
Sunday Top 10 poll – New this season, our take on the section’s best (Oceanside is preseason No. 1)
Monday High Five – Previews of the top five games of the upcoming week, including the Red Zone’s game of the week
Tuesday Best Pics – The top five pictures from the previous week’s action
Wednesday Sound Off – The Red Zone gives their opinion on a topic related to high school football and hopes someone disagrees…it’s more interesting that way
Thursday Feature/Opinion Stories – Coverage highlighting unique teams, players and happenings throughout the section or the Red Zone throwing its two cents in on an issue
Friday/Saturday Game coverage/Scoreboard – Coverage of the Game of the Week and other assorted games and a scoreboard with all the action
And just like last year, readers can contribute to the Red Zone by commenting on posts (things got sticky between Oceanside and Cathedral Catholic fans last year) and by posting your own editorial content, videos and photos both on the main page and individual team pages.
If you have any questions or comments about the Red Zone, please e-mail
See you on the sidelines this season.
Red Zone back for second year
The High School Red Zone is back for the 2009 high school football season. For the second straight season, the Red Zone will be home to in-depth coverage for high school football throughout the San Diego Section.
Coverage will start later this month as the Red Zone looks in on camps around San Diego. Check back to see how your favorite team will fare this season.
What’s new this season
More video highlights
The Red Zone has a YouTube channel. Expect more video highlights in 2009. Here’s a sample highlight from last year’s Eastlake-Helix playoff game:
The Red Zone is on Twitter
Follow the Red Zone on Twitter as we tweet breaking high school football and basketball news. We have 17 followers thus far.
Daily Content
Starting in the regular season, the Red Zone will feature daily content:
Sunday Top 10 poll – New this season, our take on the section’s best (Oceanside is preseason No. 1)
Monday High Five – Previews of the top five games of the upcoming week, including the Red Zone’s game of the week
Tuesday Best Pics – The top five pictures from the previous week’s action
Wednesday Sound Off – The Red Zone gives their opinion on a topic related to high school football and hopes someone disagrees…it’s more interesting that way
Thursday Feature/Opinion Stories – Coverage highlighting unique teams, players and happenings throughout the section or the Red Zone throwing its two cents in on an issue
Friday/Saturday Game coverage/Scoreboard – Coverage of the Game of the Week and other assorted games and a scoreboard with all the action
And just like last year, readers can contribute to the Red Zone by commenting on posts (things got sticky between Oceanside and Cathedral Catholic fans last year) and by posting your own editorial content, videos and photos both on the main page and individual team pages.
If you have any questions or comments about the Red Zone, please e-mail
See you on the sidelines this season.