18 Arrested in Failed Attempt to Reach U.S. by Boat (El Sol de Tijuana, 10/18/12)
Playas de Rosarito, BC - Municipal police agents arrested a subject when he intended to travel in a boat to United States with 17 people aboard, said the head of the Directorate of Municipal public safety (DSPM), Francisco Castro.
The accused is Carlos Enrique Félix López, 40, who moved the passengers via a taxi from a colonia to the coast in order to take them by boat to the United States. The incident occurred at 4:30 AM, when agents aboard a vessel detected the 17 people were totally wet, wearing orange life vests.
Members of the Group stated that minutes earlier they were aboard a white boat on the coast with others, with the aim of reaching the United States illegally. One of the people interviewed said that the boat engine broke down when a man told them to swim towards the shore while the boat was driven south until lost it was from sight.
According to the victims, some originated in Jalisco, Oaxaca and Zacatecas. Félix López contacted the person driving the boat to carry them into American territory and in return charged each between $5,000 and $8,000. The director of Municipal Public Security instructed the alleged trafficker and 17 persons onboard be presented to the federal public prosecutor. http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldetijuana/notas/n2737475.htm
Hypertrophy has Silent Symptoms (El Sol de Tijuana, 10/21/12 by Armando Ruiz)
Tijuana, BC - If presented with a lack of air or a sudden rapid heartbeat with minimum effort, it is likely you suffer from cardiac hypertrophy (an enlarged heart). For this reason, Seguro Social urges the population have periodic medical check-ups, especially if you suffer from hypertension, as cardiac hypertrophy can cause death.
Hypertrophy is the uncontrolled growth of the heart, which can occur in both heart ventricles, but the most common is left ventricular hypertrophy, stressed the head of the coronary unit at the Hospital of Cardiology of the National Medical Center Siglo XXI at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).
The heart is a muscle whose function is to pump blood to the whole body, so exercising can make it grow, as do the muscles of the arms and legs when they are exposed to higher than usual forces. Juan Gillyflower Rosas said that among the causes of this extra effort are arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity and aortic stenosis (a narrowing of the opening of the valve that regulates the blood flow to the rest of the body).
The IMSS cardiologist stated that the condition may also be associated with the practice of high performance sports in an extreme way for a long time, such as in triathlons. In our country, the 2010 national survey of health showed that 15 percent of Mexicans suffer from hypertension, but most do not know it. This is a silent disease that generates cardiac hypertrophy or heart muscle growth among other ills. Many times the person is unaware until it manifests itself. Men over the age of 40 men suffer most from hypertrophy, but women are dangerously close to the male group due to the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
The heart condition can be controlled provided is detected in its early stage, he warned. Cardiac hypertrophy can be confirmed by diagnostic radiology, echocardiography and electrocardiogram images. At the IMSS, specified Juan Clavellina Rosas, the first thing you are trying for is avoid the heart from continuing to grow and then, with long-term treatment, to reduce its size.
Where the hypertrophy of the heart muscle is very advanced, it seems as if it is inflated as if it were a balloon. It causes heart failure, making it necessary to consider the possibility of a transplant. Therefore, the head of the coronary unit of Cardiology of CMN Siglo XXI recommends going for a checkup at least once a year, regardless of age or gender, even when the person is considered healthy. He recalled that the Institute offers national coverage through the PrevenIMSS program, which seeks to detect diseases without symptoms, such as high blood pressure. http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldetijuana/notas/n2740565.htm
18 Arrested in Failed Attempt to Reach U.S. by Boat (El Sol de Tijuana, 10/18/12)
Playas de Rosarito, BC - Municipal police agents arrested a subject when he intended to travel in a boat to United States with 17 people aboard, said the head of the Directorate of Municipal public safety (DSPM), Francisco Castro.
The accused is Carlos Enrique Félix López, 40, who moved the passengers via a taxi from a colonia to the coast in order to take them by boat to the United States. The incident occurred at 4:30 AM, when agents aboard a vessel detected the 17 people were totally wet, wearing orange life vests.
Members of the Group stated that minutes earlier they were aboard a white boat on the coast with others, with the aim of reaching the United States illegally. One of the people interviewed said that the boat engine broke down when a man told them to swim towards the shore while the boat was driven south until lost it was from sight.
According to the victims, some originated in Jalisco, Oaxaca and Zacatecas. Félix López contacted the person driving the boat to carry them into American territory and in return charged each between $5,000 and $8,000. The director of Municipal Public Security instructed the alleged trafficker and 17 persons onboard be presented to the federal public prosecutor. http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldetijuana/notas/n2737475.htm
Hypertrophy has Silent Symptoms (El Sol de Tijuana, 10/21/12 by Armando Ruiz)
Tijuana, BC - If presented with a lack of air or a sudden rapid heartbeat with minimum effort, it is likely you suffer from cardiac hypertrophy (an enlarged heart). For this reason, Seguro Social urges the population have periodic medical check-ups, especially if you suffer from hypertension, as cardiac hypertrophy can cause death.
Hypertrophy is the uncontrolled growth of the heart, which can occur in both heart ventricles, but the most common is left ventricular hypertrophy, stressed the head of the coronary unit at the Hospital of Cardiology of the National Medical Center Siglo XXI at the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS).
The heart is a muscle whose function is to pump blood to the whole body, so exercising can make it grow, as do the muscles of the arms and legs when they are exposed to higher than usual forces. Juan Gillyflower Rosas said that among the causes of this extra effort are arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, obesity and aortic stenosis (a narrowing of the opening of the valve that regulates the blood flow to the rest of the body).
The IMSS cardiologist stated that the condition may also be associated with the practice of high performance sports in an extreme way for a long time, such as in triathlons. In our country, the 2010 national survey of health showed that 15 percent of Mexicans suffer from hypertension, but most do not know it. This is a silent disease that generates cardiac hypertrophy or heart muscle growth among other ills. Many times the person is unaware until it manifests itself. Men over the age of 40 men suffer most from hypertrophy, but women are dangerously close to the male group due to the consumption of tobacco, alcohol, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle.
The heart condition can be controlled provided is detected in its early stage, he warned. Cardiac hypertrophy can be confirmed by diagnostic radiology, echocardiography and electrocardiogram images. At the IMSS, specified Juan Clavellina Rosas, the first thing you are trying for is avoid the heart from continuing to grow and then, with long-term treatment, to reduce its size.
Where the hypertrophy of the heart muscle is very advanced, it seems as if it is inflated as if it were a balloon. It causes heart failure, making it necessary to consider the possibility of a transplant. Therefore, the head of the coronary unit of Cardiology of CMN Siglo XXI recommends going for a checkup at least once a year, regardless of age or gender, even when the person is considered healthy. He recalled that the Institute offers national coverage through the PrevenIMSS program, which seeks to detect diseases without symptoms, such as high blood pressure. http://www.oem.com.mx/elsoldetijuana/notas/n2740565.htm