Reckless Driver Only Ticketed (AFN, 12/24/12)
TIJUANA, BC – On Monday, an individual traveling in a brand-new yellow color Ford Mustang accelerated making squealing sounds with the tires, practically in front of a police officer, regardless of his known presence.
This occurred on one or more streets in the city, where the motorist accompanied by his family, traveled at excessive speeds past other citizens, so the officer chased after him and after a few minutes returned accompanied by the aforementioned.
At that time, the officer called an expert and after assessing the situation, a ticket was given. Witnesses said it was a mockery of the motorist. Some expected the vehicle would be towed away, the citizen arrested and brought before a judge, however this did not occur.
City Official Rants at Rosarito Treasurer (AFN, 12/24/12)
BEACHES of ROSARITO, BC - Municipal Treasurer Antonio Zermeño complained to the Attorney General Justice of the State (PGJE) when the Head of Strategic Projects, Omar Agüero broke into his office in a violent way and allegedly made threats.
The complaint was filed with authorities last Friday afternoon, when Zermeño Chávez said he was in fear of his safety. He said the Chief of Strategic Projects of the Department of Administration, demanded payment of about 16,000 pesos ($1,238 US) he argued was due to him as his year end bonus, an amount he received previously.
"The official burst in violently trying to attack me physically, not achieving his objective, he began a series of threats against me," explained the Treasurer. He said, Omar Agüero requested a benefit, "But I was very clear, because the Treasury issues checks only when benefits are authorized by higher officials". Moreover the trustee, Municipal Roberto Perales Sanchez, emphasized there has been a formal complaint to the police and he said he is looking forward to receiving it.
Reckless Driver Only Ticketed (AFN, 12/24/12)
TIJUANA, BC – On Monday, an individual traveling in a brand-new yellow color Ford Mustang accelerated making squealing sounds with the tires, practically in front of a police officer, regardless of his known presence.
This occurred on one or more streets in the city, where the motorist accompanied by his family, traveled at excessive speeds past other citizens, so the officer chased after him and after a few minutes returned accompanied by the aforementioned.
At that time, the officer called an expert and after assessing the situation, a ticket was given. Witnesses said it was a mockery of the motorist. Some expected the vehicle would be towed away, the citizen arrested and brought before a judge, however this did not occur.
City Official Rants at Rosarito Treasurer (AFN, 12/24/12)
BEACHES of ROSARITO, BC - Municipal Treasurer Antonio Zermeño complained to the Attorney General Justice of the State (PGJE) when the Head of Strategic Projects, Omar Agüero broke into his office in a violent way and allegedly made threats.
The complaint was filed with authorities last Friday afternoon, when Zermeño Chávez said he was in fear of his safety. He said the Chief of Strategic Projects of the Department of Administration, demanded payment of about 16,000 pesos ($1,238 US) he argued was due to him as his year end bonus, an amount he received previously.
"The official burst in violently trying to attack me physically, not achieving his objective, he began a series of threats against me," explained the Treasurer. He said, Omar Agüero requested a benefit, "But I was very clear, because the Treasury issues checks only when benefits are authorized by higher officials". Moreover the trustee, Municipal Roberto Perales Sanchez, emphasized there has been a formal complaint to the police and he said he is looking forward to receiving it.