Post-Crash Summation and the San Diego City Council Session on Debt Servicing
The October 11 City Council agenda includes an informational item on council member training in debt servicing. Fitch Ratings will be sending Amy S. Doppelt, a managing director who can explain to council members the terminology and usage in how …
San Diegans' Self-Preservation by Keeping an Eye on Council Members
The main way that the people of San Diego will be able to climb out of this economic recession-like trough between the Crash of 2008 and whatever is coming in the weeks and months after the 2010 elections is for …
Scoping Memo Issued in SDG&E PSW/PSW Rate Hike Proposal at CPUC
California Public Utilities Commissioner Nancy E. Ryan issued the scoping memorandum at the end of September for San Diego Gas and Electric Company's rate hike proposal A1007009. SDG&E's PeakShift at Work/PeakShift at Home rate hike proposal is based on time …
Sempra Energy Stock Buyback from RBS Sempra Commodities Asset Sale
Sempra Energy's recent stock buyback announcement in September appears to be consistent with earlier corporate comments of a renewed focus on its energy utilities including San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E). The shift in focus comes at the expense …
San Bruno Holocaust Reaches SDG&E, SCE, PG&E Uninsured Wildfire Expense Debate
On September 8, 2010, the last of the protests were filed with California's Public Utilities Commission against the Wildfire Expense Balancing Account (WEBA) proposal by San Diego Gas and Electric Company, two components of Southern California Edison Company, and Pacific …
SDG&E Installing 26 Megawatts of Solar Property Improvements
An article by Onell Soto in this morning's diminutive daily paper informs us that San Diego Gas and Electric Company now has permission from California's Public Utilities Commission to install $100 million in solar panels on SDG&E's own property, generating …
A Definition of 'Ethic'
A while back, there was a discussion of what an ethic is. I can't seem to find the discussion here anymore, but I spent some time thinking about it. For now, my definition of an ethic is a formal logic …
Some Backup Benefits to Off-Grid Solar Panels
I decided to run some numbers on an always-on off-grid solar panel setup that had the least involvement of myself with the California Public Utilities Commission, the City of San Diego's solar home improvement fee, or any form of government …
What is an Unavoidable Cost of SDG&E Doing Business?
Why Does City Council Accept Wildfires as SDG&E; "Business As Usual"? According to the amended joint Wildfire Expense Balancing Account application filed by Southern California Edison components for themselves, PG&E;, and SDG&E;, utility company liability for wildfires "is an unavoidable …
Not Using Enough SDG&E Electricty Now? Says Who?
In the business section of this morning's diminishing daily paper, Onell Soto has a Q&A of what is going on with us using a lot less electricity then getting a lot higher rates for the savings. The second question: "OK, …
WEBA Update: Amended Application filed by SCE, SDG&E and PG&E for Uninsured Wildfire Expense Billings to Customers
Southern California Edison has filed a joint amended application for authority to bill customers for outstanding Wildfire Expense Balancing Account (WEBA) amounts that record future uninsured wildfire legal and related costs. The amended WEBA application by SCE, SDG&E;, and PG&E; …
City of San Diego Protests SDG&E PeakShift Rate Hike Proposal
The City of San Diego filed its initial protest to the San Diego Gas and Electric Company application A1007009 to the California Public Utilities Commission. If approved, the SDG&E application to CPUC would result in a new electricity time-based billing …
Per Watt Savings from Off-Grid Solar Panels Balance SDG&E Proposed Rate Hikes
According to Onell Soto in Saturday's distinguished daily paper, the average cost of a grid-connected solar home installation is about $7.15 per watt. The number came up in a story about a contractor who was attracting interest because that contractor's …
CPUC DRA Moves To Strike $118 Million Part of SDG&E Rate Hike Proposal
The Division of Ratepayer Analysts of the California Public Utilities Commission has filed a motion to strip a $118 million billing request from San Diego Gas and Electric Company's PeakShift at Work/PeakShift at Home rate hike proposal. The $118 million …
On the Benefits of Recreational Summertime Walking through Death Valley
I assume delusion is in the eye of the beholder. Now, I am not so deluded as to think that natural marriages between one man and one woman are the same practical thing as an artificial marriage between two men, …
Salvation Army in Retreat from County Camp Expansion
Mussey Grade Road Alliance Assault Ends Salvation Army Expansion In Our Time Salvation Army Major Linda Markiewicz announced that the international religious mission's move to expand its Mussey Grade Road facility near Ramona has been halted by the threat of …
Kinder, Gentler SDG&E Proposes 7% Rate Increase RE Uninsured Wildfire Legal Costs
SUPERIOR COURT JUSTICE COMPLEX - San Diego Gas and Electric Company (SDG&E) has introduced its general rate increase application with a pair of headlines in our distinguished daily paper this morning, claiming of the front page that SDG&E needs a …
PG&E Subject of Wide-Ranging CPUC General Rate Investigation
Pacific Gas and Electric Company, the proponent of Proposition 16 that failed in the June primary election and opponent of California Public Utilities Commission authority to regulate the truthfulness of PG&E advertising content, will be subject to an wide-ranging investigation …
The American Christian Theocracy of the Majority
I recognize that there is a Christian theocracy in America. All Americans who are Christians are among the people who govern America with our votes, as our Christian beliefs are in us and are not grounds for excluding us from …
Jim Hill and my Happy Heart Attack Anniversary
It is now a year since I had my last heart attack sufficiently painful enough to have me call for an emergency lift to the hospital. In the last few days, I have had enough physical complaints to remind me …