The City-State of San Diego?
After the ballot measure to stack something like a football stadium on top of a seaport loading terminal and the South Bay airport-island patent (those proposals are/were real, so far as I am not making them up), I thought that …
Redevelopment Agency Block Grant Scandal: No Quick Resolution Here
There's about $13 million in ineligible and "unsupported" community development block grant funds that passed through the hands of the Southeastern Economic Development Corporation (SEDC). We already know that SEDC was generally the personal sandbox of fired SEDC executive Carolyn …
Redevelopment Agency Block Grant Scandal: the Carolyn Smith Legacy
In a recent article published in our distinguished daily paper, it was disclosed that "nearly $2 million" in federal community development block grants (CDBG) may have to be paid back by the City of San Diego's Redevelopment Agency as a …