So, who do you think it is? Nicholson? DeNiro?
Nope, Don LaFontaine.
What, you don't recognize the name? Well, you'd recognize the voice. He's the king of the movie trailors. And, the first time many of us saw his face, was when he started doing those commercials where he played himself.
He was 68.
His wife Nita is a singer and actress, who called him home studio "The Hole." He'd get scripts faxed to him, and just do the voiceovers from home. He would average close to 10 a day, before he started battling an illness.
He made over 5,000 trailers in his 33-year-career, which begain when he was an audio engineer, and an announcer didn't show up for a recording session.
In interviews, he always said that it didn't bother him that nobody knew his name or face. But you have to think, with everyone knowing that voice, he could have fun at the drive-thru. Or just by buying a ticket at the theatre, and using his "in a world where...." voice.
If this guy had a sense of humor, before he died, he should've done his own obituary. I mean, imagine that. You're sitting there in the funeral home. Everyone is seated. And, speakers had been set up. And you hear his voice, saying "In a world where angels play harps, and people dance and clouds...a man named Don LaFontaine, yes looking down on the festivities below. You can look up, but you won't see me. This isn't the 6th Sense."
So, who do you think it is? Nicholson? DeNiro?
Nope, Don LaFontaine.
What, you don't recognize the name? Well, you'd recognize the voice. He's the king of the movie trailors. And, the first time many of us saw his face, was when he started doing those commercials where he played himself.
He was 68.
His wife Nita is a singer and actress, who called him home studio "The Hole." He'd get scripts faxed to him, and just do the voiceovers from home. He would average close to 10 a day, before he started battling an illness.
He made over 5,000 trailers in his 33-year-career, which begain when he was an audio engineer, and an announcer didn't show up for a recording session.
In interviews, he always said that it didn't bother him that nobody knew his name or face. But you have to think, with everyone knowing that voice, he could have fun at the drive-thru. Or just by buying a ticket at the theatre, and using his "in a world where...." voice.
If this guy had a sense of humor, before he died, he should've done his own obituary. I mean, imagine that. You're sitting there in the funeral home. Everyone is seated. And, speakers had been set up. And you hear his voice, saying "In a world where angels play harps, and people dance and clouds...a man named Don LaFontaine, yes looking down on the festivities below. You can look up, but you won't see me. This isn't the 6th Sense."