I always seem to get myself involved in these projects for gifts I'm putting together.
When my friend Bonnie and I had this weird argument about mustard, I saw a shirt that said "I put ketchup on my ketchup." I had a company silkscreen "mustard" over the first ketchup.
Now, it's a Barbie car I'm painting for another friend.
When I drove over to another friends house to paint it (knowing his three kids have art supplies), I saw he had a "Yes on 8" sign in his front lawn.
I said, "Are you insane? Why would you have that sign?"
We then got into a debate as I was trying to concentrate on the hood of Barbie's VW bug.
It's not just the fact that I voted No on 8...but why risk having your house vandalized by someone that doesn't agree with you politically.
I was more interested in debating that. The need to plaster a sticker or sign on your yard amazes me.
I said, "Do you think anyone drove by and said 'Hey...that says Yes on 8. So, that's how I'll vote."
He went into a weird story about someone walking by and saying, "Tell me about that. I don't know much about that proposition, and if you feel strongly about it, I'd like to know why."
Yeah, right. I'm sure that's what happens when people walk by houses with political signs.
I heard on KGBs morning show yesterday, a lot of people calling in and giving the host (Dave) a hard time for saying he didn't agree with gays getting married. He didn't seem to care, until many people sent emails that they'd stop listening (ah, the threats you can make to someone that depends on ratings).
As we ate Halloween candy, we ended up talking about the Snickers commercial that got banned earlier this year.
In case you didn't see or hear that story, Mr. T is driving some kind of tank down the street. He sees a guy power walking. The guy looks a bit on the feminine side (how can you not when you're doing that walk?), and Mr. T shouts at him.
After verbally assaulting the dude for 10 seconds, he starts shooting Snickers at him thru these guns. The guy tries walking faster, before finally running.
Well, the ad got pulled because people complained it was advocating violence towards gays. Or something like that.
The problem with that logic is...nobody said this power walker was gay. He wasn't wearing a pink shirt and rainbow shorts (not that that would make you gay, necessarily...just someone with no fashion sense [rest in peace, Mr. Blackwell]).
I have to think Snickers doesn't mind that they paid T $40,000 (or whatever they paid), for a spot that didn't run. They got press out of the story.
And as I walked out, with my painted Barbie car and some Snickers I stole from his kids trick or treat stash...he said "Okay, I'll pull the sign out of my yard. Just for you. Well, that, and it's all over anyway."
As he was doing it, he yelled at the top of his lungs (at 11 p.m.) "Okay, Josh!!! I'll take this sign out of my front yard since it offends you! Are you happy, Josh Board?! And, I don't want to know if you're gay, because there's nothing wrong with that! I just know, you don't like my sign against gay marriage!"
I was ready to start throwing Snickers at him. Not because I cared about the the things he was saying, but that he's possibly waking people up or bothering them, just at an attempt at humor.
I always seem to get myself involved in these projects for gifts I'm putting together.
When my friend Bonnie and I had this weird argument about mustard, I saw a shirt that said "I put ketchup on my ketchup." I had a company silkscreen "mustard" over the first ketchup.
Now, it's a Barbie car I'm painting for another friend.
When I drove over to another friends house to paint it (knowing his three kids have art supplies), I saw he had a "Yes on 8" sign in his front lawn.
I said, "Are you insane? Why would you have that sign?"
We then got into a debate as I was trying to concentrate on the hood of Barbie's VW bug.
It's not just the fact that I voted No on 8...but why risk having your house vandalized by someone that doesn't agree with you politically.
I was more interested in debating that. The need to plaster a sticker or sign on your yard amazes me.
I said, "Do you think anyone drove by and said 'Hey...that says Yes on 8. So, that's how I'll vote."
He went into a weird story about someone walking by and saying, "Tell me about that. I don't know much about that proposition, and if you feel strongly about it, I'd like to know why."
Yeah, right. I'm sure that's what happens when people walk by houses with political signs.
I heard on KGBs morning show yesterday, a lot of people calling in and giving the host (Dave) a hard time for saying he didn't agree with gays getting married. He didn't seem to care, until many people sent emails that they'd stop listening (ah, the threats you can make to someone that depends on ratings).
As we ate Halloween candy, we ended up talking about the Snickers commercial that got banned earlier this year.
In case you didn't see or hear that story, Mr. T is driving some kind of tank down the street. He sees a guy power walking. The guy looks a bit on the feminine side (how can you not when you're doing that walk?), and Mr. T shouts at him.
After verbally assaulting the dude for 10 seconds, he starts shooting Snickers at him thru these guns. The guy tries walking faster, before finally running.
Well, the ad got pulled because people complained it was advocating violence towards gays. Or something like that.
The problem with that logic is...nobody said this power walker was gay. He wasn't wearing a pink shirt and rainbow shorts (not that that would make you gay, necessarily...just someone with no fashion sense [rest in peace, Mr. Blackwell]).
I have to think Snickers doesn't mind that they paid T $40,000 (or whatever they paid), for a spot that didn't run. They got press out of the story.
And as I walked out, with my painted Barbie car and some Snickers I stole from his kids trick or treat stash...he said "Okay, I'll pull the sign out of my yard. Just for you. Well, that, and it's all over anyway."
As he was doing it, he yelled at the top of his lungs (at 11 p.m.) "Okay, Josh!!! I'll take this sign out of my front yard since it offends you! Are you happy, Josh Board?! And, I don't want to know if you're gay, because there's nothing wrong with that! I just know, you don't like my sign against gay marriage!"
I was ready to start throwing Snickers at him. Not because I cared about the the things he was saying, but that he's possibly waking people up or bothering them, just at an attempt at humor.