I was driving home tonight, and saw a sign coming south bound on the 163. It was a few miles before hitting Friars, and it said "caution -- right lanes prepare to stop." It was after midnight, and I assumed there'd be road work ahead.
When I saw the lanes didn't stop, I remembered I saw that sign there a few nights ago as well. And I figured it was put there for all the traffic going onto Friars when it's around Christmas. The line of cars actually goes so far up the freeway, you see people at a complete stop.
What I wonder is...why the sign isn't removed at night when cars are no longer stopped. I also wonder why we need the sign in the first place. I remember at drivers ed as a teenager, they taught us that you're supposed to look far ahead to see if traffic was stopping. You don't just stare at the bumper of the car in front of you.
I remember the other day on the 163, going north bound, one of those overhead signs had the electrical message about not texting while you drive, starting January 1. Although, it's not a problem I guess, if you do it now.
It got me angrier that they even passed this law. In fact, I overheard someone talking about the new Will Smith movie. They said, "I'll never text message while I drive again after seeing that."
Well, how idiotic a statement is that. I have to assume there's a scene in which someone does this and an accident occurs. But why do you need a scene like that to show you something isn't safe? It's the same reason the law that apparently goes into affect in a few days, is equally stupid.
But as I type this, I realize I've blogged about that before, and maybe should've made this blog go in the direction of something like weird signs we've seen on the roads.
Although, the only one I can think of is a yellow diamond shaped sign on one of the residential streets around the corner from the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach. It says "Hump ahead."
I was driving home tonight, and saw a sign coming south bound on the 163. It was a few miles before hitting Friars, and it said "caution -- right lanes prepare to stop." It was after midnight, and I assumed there'd be road work ahead.
When I saw the lanes didn't stop, I remembered I saw that sign there a few nights ago as well. And I figured it was put there for all the traffic going onto Friars when it's around Christmas. The line of cars actually goes so far up the freeway, you see people at a complete stop.
What I wonder is...why the sign isn't removed at night when cars are no longer stopped. I also wonder why we need the sign in the first place. I remember at drivers ed as a teenager, they taught us that you're supposed to look far ahead to see if traffic was stopping. You don't just stare at the bumper of the car in front of you.
I remember the other day on the 163, going north bound, one of those overhead signs had the electrical message about not texting while you drive, starting January 1. Although, it's not a problem I guess, if you do it now.
It got me angrier that they even passed this law. In fact, I overheard someone talking about the new Will Smith movie. They said, "I'll never text message while I drive again after seeing that."
Well, how idiotic a statement is that. I have to assume there's a scene in which someone does this and an accident occurs. But why do you need a scene like that to show you something isn't safe? It's the same reason the law that apparently goes into affect in a few days, is equally stupid.
But as I type this, I realize I've blogged about that before, and maybe should've made this blog go in the direction of something like weird signs we've seen on the roads.
Although, the only one I can think of is a yellow diamond shaped sign on one of the residential streets around the corner from the Belly Up Tavern in Solana Beach. It says "Hump ahead."