Ooof. First, a word of warning: both of these earn that whole red-band thing. Nudity, foul language, and general rudeness abound:
Well now. Here we have a couple of "star-studded" ensemble sketch comedy flicks. The first leans harder on the gay jokes ("Go ahead, make me gay"), race jokes (blacks escape cops in a runaway dumpster), and religion jokes (let's cut a Jew's beard!), while the second opts for bodily humor (menstruation, gagging, "weird pubes"). But beneath all those differences, and relative star wattage aside (Adrien Brody vs. Richard Gere?), the two really do have a lot in common. Let's take a look! (Why? Because I sort of suspect that Movie 43 would rather not be associated with its more lowbrow, if equally crass, cousin. But blood will tell. On the other hand, I'd like to side with InAPPropriate Comedy, if only for its willingness to work in dangerous territory, but it looks so very badly done.)
Actresses gettin' nasty: Michelle Rodriguez says "P***y" several times in a row, with enthusiasm, while Halle Berry mimes cupping testicles.
Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan 2.0 (Sorry, Emma! We still love you!)
Unattractive male thrusting:
Heads buried in bosoms:
Little people!
Jokes about African-American endowment!
Jokes about genital-related violence (member in mousetrap, naked lady-style tech device resulting in lost body parts):
Wildly inappropriate sex! (Rihanna-Chris Brown joke vs. morgue sex):
Jokes about sex and poop!
Jokes about testicular assault!
Jokes based on cruelty: mocking an Asian for her appearance, blowing out a blind boy's birthday cake before he can:
Well, that was depressing. See you tomorrow!
Ooof. First, a word of warning: both of these earn that whole red-band thing. Nudity, foul language, and general rudeness abound:
Well now. Here we have a couple of "star-studded" ensemble sketch comedy flicks. The first leans harder on the gay jokes ("Go ahead, make me gay"), race jokes (blacks escape cops in a runaway dumpster), and religion jokes (let's cut a Jew's beard!), while the second opts for bodily humor (menstruation, gagging, "weird pubes"). But beneath all those differences, and relative star wattage aside (Adrien Brody vs. Richard Gere?), the two really do have a lot in common. Let's take a look! (Why? Because I sort of suspect that Movie 43 would rather not be associated with its more lowbrow, if equally crass, cousin. But blood will tell. On the other hand, I'd like to side with InAPPropriate Comedy, if only for its willingness to work in dangerous territory, but it looks so very badly done.)
Actresses gettin' nasty: Michelle Rodriguez says "P***y" several times in a row, with enthusiasm, while Halle Berry mimes cupping testicles.
Lindsay Lohan and Lindsay Lohan 2.0 (Sorry, Emma! We still love you!)
Unattractive male thrusting:
Heads buried in bosoms:
Little people!
Jokes about African-American endowment!
Jokes about genital-related violence (member in mousetrap, naked lady-style tech device resulting in lost body parts):
Wildly inappropriate sex! (Rihanna-Chris Brown joke vs. morgue sex):
Jokes about sex and poop!
Jokes about testicular assault!
Jokes based on cruelty: mocking an Asian for her appearance, blowing out a blind boy's birthday cake before he can:
Well, that was depressing. See you tomorrow!