A wife (Aki Morita) sticks by her husband (Kazunari Aizawa) even when a bug bite begins turning him into a hideously deformed monster. Instead of using horror as a metaphor to explore a troubled marriage, first time writer, director Hajime Ohato piles on the bargain basement special effects and latex costumes to fashion a steaming pile of retro Godzilla shit. (Fans of ComicCon will tell you that's the point which is exactly why you will never catch me dead at ComicCon.) At 54 minutes it still manages to bore. The SDAFF programmers were right to bury Henge in the worst possible time slot. The film plays Sunday night only at 10pm.
Reader Rating: Zero Stars
A wife (Aki Morita) sticks by her husband (Kazunari Aizawa) even when a bug bite begins turning him into a hideously deformed monster. Instead of using horror as a metaphor to explore a troubled marriage, first time writer, director Hajime Ohato piles on the bargain basement special effects and latex costumes to fashion a steaming pile of retro Godzilla shit. (Fans of ComicCon will tell you that's the point which is exactly why you will never catch me dead at ComicCon.) At 54 minutes it still manages to bore. The SDAFF programmers were right to bury Henge in the worst possible time slot. The film plays Sunday night only at 10pm.
Reader Rating: Zero Stars