Oooh, goody - a new feature here at the Big Screen!
How many times has this happened to you? You're sitting in a bar, getting your drink on and maybe your snack on, and you're watching the news on the bar TV. Suddenly, you see an item on the news that is showing on the bar TV, an item that is of crucial import to you!
How many times? That's right: zero. Because the only bar in America that shows news on its TVs instead of sports (or, in the case of the Turquoise Room here in La Mesa, Turner Classic Movies and AMC) is the one in hundreds of movies and nowhere else.
Seriously, supercut people — let's have a mashup of that. Hero after hero learning what he needs to know via TV news in a bar.
Or, hell, via TV news in general. Watching The Ghost Writer, a film about politicians trying to contain a political firestorm, I thought to myself, Hey, whaddya know? A film in which the advancement and exposition is handled via TV news, and it actually makes sense! Because the people watching are political wonks; this stuff is their life.
In totally unrelated news, Battleship opens Friday!
Oooh, goody - a new feature here at the Big Screen!
How many times has this happened to you? You're sitting in a bar, getting your drink on and maybe your snack on, and you're watching the news on the bar TV. Suddenly, you see an item on the news that is showing on the bar TV, an item that is of crucial import to you!
How many times? That's right: zero. Because the only bar in America that shows news on its TVs instead of sports (or, in the case of the Turquoise Room here in La Mesa, Turner Classic Movies and AMC) is the one in hundreds of movies and nowhere else.
Seriously, supercut people — let's have a mashup of that. Hero after hero learning what he needs to know via TV news in a bar.
Or, hell, via TV news in general. Watching The Ghost Writer, a film about politicians trying to contain a political firestorm, I thought to myself, Hey, whaddya know? A film in which the advancement and exposition is handled via TV news, and it actually makes sense! Because the people watching are political wonks; this stuff is their life.
In totally unrelated news, Battleship opens Friday!