There will be no more "it's like taking a shower in a raincoat" excuses for porn stars. The Los Angeles City Council approved a new law Tuesday that will require adult film actors to use condoms.
Supporters of the ordinance say its needed to help prevent the spread of HIV. The opposing side, the Free Speech Coalition, better known as the porn video industry’s trade association, says let 'em ride bareback; condoms are not necessary. Scenes that depict performers "wearing" condoms are generally frowned upon by porn consumers.
Los Angeles, a town well-versed in screwing people over, is the first city in the country to approve a law requiring actors to use protection during sexual intercourse.
How this law is going to be enforced is anybody's guess. Watch for a "Condom Wrangler" acknowledgment to appear alongside the "Fluffer" credit.
There will be no more "it's like taking a shower in a raincoat" excuses for porn stars. The Los Angeles City Council approved a new law Tuesday that will require adult film actors to use condoms.
Supporters of the ordinance say its needed to help prevent the spread of HIV. The opposing side, the Free Speech Coalition, better known as the porn video industry’s trade association, says let 'em ride bareback; condoms are not necessary. Scenes that depict performers "wearing" condoms are generally frowned upon by porn consumers.
Los Angeles, a town well-versed in screwing people over, is the first city in the country to approve a law requiring actors to use protection during sexual intercourse.
How this law is going to be enforced is anybody's guess. Watch for a "Condom Wrangler" acknowledgment to appear alongside the "Fluffer" credit.