Oh, yeah - badASS.
Though I'm not quite sure why we're going the whole "nipples on the batsuit" route...
And I know that this Henry Cavill dude is going to be playing Superman soon...
...but the cape thing is a little, um, heavy, don't you think? I mean, won't a metal cape be kind of restrictive? Remember: when it comes to capes, you can't be too careful.
But seriously, let's move down a bit and get to the real dealio. What exactly is up with the abdomen there?
I mean, usually, don't these sorts of breastplates emphasize the whole "manly six-pack" aspect?
This seems a little more...interior, somehow.
Okay, okay, I get it. You want to emphasize that this guy has guts, right? Fine. Though it seems to me that the whole point of armor is to keep your guts on the inside. But seriously: what is up with the bronze daisy?
Is a daisy some secret symbol of intestinal fortitude? I mean, all I can really take from this is that Cavill is an innie.
Oh, yeah - badASS.
Though I'm not quite sure why we're going the whole "nipples on the batsuit" route...
And I know that this Henry Cavill dude is going to be playing Superman soon...
...but the cape thing is a little, um, heavy, don't you think? I mean, won't a metal cape be kind of restrictive? Remember: when it comes to capes, you can't be too careful.
But seriously, let's move down a bit and get to the real dealio. What exactly is up with the abdomen there?
I mean, usually, don't these sorts of breastplates emphasize the whole "manly six-pack" aspect?
This seems a little more...interior, somehow.
Okay, okay, I get it. You want to emphasize that this guy has guts, right? Fine. Though it seems to me that the whole point of armor is to keep your guts on the inside. But seriously: what is up with the bronze daisy?
Is a daisy some secret symbol of intestinal fortitude? I mean, all I can really take from this is that Cavill is an innie.