I enjoyed the replies to the previous “Get To Know Me” blog, so here’s a followup of sorts, another frequent visitor to my inbox that I finally replied to ----
A) Five places that I go to over and over: wild, crazy, out, the bathroom, to Hell in a handbasket
B) Five people who e-mail me (regularly): Nigerian Prince with Banking Problem, Viagra Salesman, British Barrister with Hitherto Unknown Inheritance from Hitherto Unknown Relative, Mail Returned: Unable to deliver, and Some Guy Who Thinks I Need a Larger Penis (As If it’s Any of His Effin Business).
C) Five of my favorite places to eat: I usually eat food, not places, but if I DID eat places, I bet I'd like the Paris Hilton,
D) Five places I would rather be right now: Movin' on up, goin' way down, over there, nowheresville man, and anywhere but here.
E) Five TV Shows I watch: Twilight Zone, Dark Shadows, History’s Mysteries, the Daily Show, and the Mexican soap opera De Pocas Pocas Pulgas, which translates to "Of few few fleas."
Free for all who wish to use, here’s another list of band names I’ve been dreaming up, all so far unused (as far as I know). I designed most for maximum internet search possibilities and cult tie-in potential – if anyone ends up getting rich and/or famous using any of my band names, I expect you to at least buy me a large pizza....and maybe a Porsche --- Oh yeah, I design band logos, record sleeves, and concert flyers too, so maybe hire me for that… Danish Plato Watchers From the Blind P Test Duodnym Duo Same To You Bud Why You I Oughtta George LeRoy Tirebiter Rizzuto’s Revenge The Hell You Say Sickon U Strapon Dickoff Schwing Kings of Bling Aiiieeeggg! Manos Hand of Fate Zoey Loves Zeus Aaark Aaark The Steekin Badgers There’s No Need To Fear Restless Natives Nightmare Feet The Saggy Baggies My Fellow Terrariums Pudding Pipers Things Won’t Leave Crooow! Not Wearing Pants Spa Fon Squa Tront Quitcher Wining Opposing Bums MiniMiniMini Icy Icy Eye See Eeew I.C. Underpants He’s Dead Jim Giant Rats of Monsters Due Orion Slave Traders Jenna’s Douche Way 2 Bigg Mylar Zone Bees, She Sees Lionel and the Security Blankets Thank You Mask Man So Far So What Zoso Mofos The Whoop Woops Jerkin Gerkins WTF Whitey Alba’s Abs Overlord Obscura Yorga Counts I Said Goode Daye Broken GayDar Suckit Stickit Takeit Tara La Bouvier The Shoephones Tents On Fire Bitten by Barnabas Attaway Castaway Jay Men Forever Beware of Torgo Milk Me Dammit Freaky Fantasm Phrankly Phinks Wish You Were Beer It Takes Beef Coconut Radio Eggplant Revenge I Got a Rock Who Killed Todd Loren? The Phoneups The Homegrownups Minor Murders Max Madder Themes of Josette Chef Schweaty The Shaft Workers Scary Serling Servants of Sexploitation Cathouse Theater The Hairy Poms See Thru U (abbreviated as C/U) Put That Thing Away Robert’s Ridge Munchin Brady Mystic Future Faire Joel VS Mike Miss B. Natural Psycho Tsunami The Friendly Giants The Fraidy Scats Sax Afire Margo Escargot The Pullout Nows Nobody For President Ducking Howard Bare Whiz The Golden Hind Planxton Kitten Kundalini Bunches of Hooey Knot Insane Fuggit Forgot SlamSlam Fleas on Feet Peeble’s Pet Wholly Moley Cheez Toe Demons of Demi Penisaurus The Tube Grooves Groovy Groo Bees Bozo Buskers The Dwarf Crushers Rotten Cratchet Cartman’s Probe More Science High Steppenfetch See Sigmund The Vulcan Itch Whynot Measles Ribsey’s Treat Clams Got Legs HellCowz Highway Bloody Hwy Starkweathermen Whacko Mole R.U. Nutts Tearaway Newsome WrongWrongRight SaveSum Eyes of Duz Not Die Know Duh Nose Hoes Ghostly Trioka Takeout Wrenched Ankle Gallery of Night Lowbrow Unibrow The Unibrowser Bundy’s Bride Buddy Buddha Breath Zeta Zilch The Beta Rays Already1 Almighty1 The Crankups Indoor Outhouse Freddie Fullasheet Return of Mr. Hand Faster Phoebe and the Fallouts Wot the Hey V.A. Jay Jay Gamma Made Me Green Collector’s Attrition Lela’s Eyeball Tubby Finches of Busted Chifarobe Busted by Boo The Tumblin’ Tombstones Stewie Luvs Rupert The Giggity-gigs YesNoMaybe Pigga Fuggen Name
I enjoyed the replies to the previous “Get To Know Me” blog, so here’s a followup of sorts, another frequent visitor to my inbox that I finally replied to ----
A) Five places that I go to over and over: wild, crazy, out, the bathroom, to Hell in a handbasket
B) Five people who e-mail me (regularly): Nigerian Prince with Banking Problem, Viagra Salesman, British Barrister with Hitherto Unknown Inheritance from Hitherto Unknown Relative, Mail Returned: Unable to deliver, and Some Guy Who Thinks I Need a Larger Penis (As If it’s Any of His Effin Business).
C) Five of my favorite places to eat: I usually eat food, not places, but if I DID eat places, I bet I'd like the Paris Hilton,
D) Five places I would rather be right now: Movin' on up, goin' way down, over there, nowheresville man, and anywhere but here.
E) Five TV Shows I watch: Twilight Zone, Dark Shadows, History’s Mysteries, the Daily Show, and the Mexican soap opera De Pocas Pocas Pulgas, which translates to "Of few few fleas."
Free for all who wish to use, here’s another list of band names I’ve been dreaming up, all so far unused (as far as I know). I designed most for maximum internet search possibilities and cult tie-in potential – if anyone ends up getting rich and/or famous using any of my band names, I expect you to at least buy me a large pizza....and maybe a Porsche --- Oh yeah, I design band logos, record sleeves, and concert flyers too, so maybe hire me for that… Danish Plato Watchers From the Blind P Test Duodnym Duo Same To You Bud Why You I Oughtta George LeRoy Tirebiter Rizzuto’s Revenge The Hell You Say Sickon U Strapon Dickoff Schwing Kings of Bling Aiiieeeggg! Manos Hand of Fate Zoey Loves Zeus Aaark Aaark The Steekin Badgers There’s No Need To Fear Restless Natives Nightmare Feet The Saggy Baggies My Fellow Terrariums Pudding Pipers Things Won’t Leave Crooow! Not Wearing Pants Spa Fon Squa Tront Quitcher Wining Opposing Bums MiniMiniMini Icy Icy Eye See Eeew I.C. Underpants He’s Dead Jim Giant Rats of Monsters Due Orion Slave Traders Jenna’s Douche Way 2 Bigg Mylar Zone Bees, She Sees Lionel and the Security Blankets Thank You Mask Man So Far So What Zoso Mofos The Whoop Woops Jerkin Gerkins WTF Whitey Alba’s Abs Overlord Obscura Yorga Counts I Said Goode Daye Broken GayDar Suckit Stickit Takeit Tara La Bouvier The Shoephones Tents On Fire Bitten by Barnabas Attaway Castaway Jay Men Forever Beware of Torgo Milk Me Dammit Freaky Fantasm Phrankly Phinks Wish You Were Beer It Takes Beef Coconut Radio Eggplant Revenge I Got a Rock Who Killed Todd Loren? The Phoneups The Homegrownups Minor Murders Max Madder Themes of Josette Chef Schweaty The Shaft Workers Scary Serling Servants of Sexploitation Cathouse Theater The Hairy Poms See Thru U (abbreviated as C/U) Put That Thing Away Robert’s Ridge Munchin Brady Mystic Future Faire Joel VS Mike Miss B. Natural Psycho Tsunami The Friendly Giants The Fraidy Scats Sax Afire Margo Escargot The Pullout Nows Nobody For President Ducking Howard Bare Whiz The Golden Hind Planxton Kitten Kundalini Bunches of Hooey Knot Insane Fuggit Forgot SlamSlam Fleas on Feet Peeble’s Pet Wholly Moley Cheez Toe Demons of Demi Penisaurus The Tube Grooves Groovy Groo Bees Bozo Buskers The Dwarf Crushers Rotten Cratchet Cartman’s Probe More Science High Steppenfetch See Sigmund The Vulcan Itch Whynot Measles Ribsey’s Treat Clams Got Legs HellCowz Highway Bloody Hwy Starkweathermen Whacko Mole R.U. Nutts Tearaway Newsome WrongWrongRight SaveSum Eyes of Duz Not Die Know Duh Nose Hoes Ghostly Trioka Takeout Wrenched Ankle Gallery of Night Lowbrow Unibrow The Unibrowser Bundy’s Bride Buddy Buddha Breath Zeta Zilch The Beta Rays Already1 Almighty1 The Crankups Indoor Outhouse Freddie Fullasheet Return of Mr. Hand Faster Phoebe and the Fallouts Wot the Hey V.A. Jay Jay Gamma Made Me Green Collector’s Attrition Lela’s Eyeball Tubby Finches of Busted Chifarobe Busted by Boo The Tumblin’ Tombstones Stewie Luvs Rupert The Giggity-gigs YesNoMaybe Pigga Fuggen Name