This is a direct follow-up to yesterday's blog. I have done a lot of reading about the Immigration Laws of Mexico. Much information comes from the Canada Free Press in an article by John Lillpop.
Mexico's Immigration policies would surely be a big hit with Many Many Americans. The Mexican constitution also spells out the rights of its citizens and the denial of many fundamental rights to non-citizens. Wow, what a concept, people illegally in their country do not get the same rights/priveleges as their citizenry. Why didn't we think of that????
Here's a good one: foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses (such as via a tunnel) are imprisoned or deported. How much money could the US save by just sending the ILLEGAL border crossers right back? Unfortunately I could not yet find any specifics on why we detain them in our jails, costing us a ton of taxpayer money. I am sure it has something to due with attorneys and lawsuits and a Court willing to rule that people breaking our immigration laws are afforded "rights".
Mexican immigration authorities work under laws that:
have a record of every foreign visitor foreign visitors do not violate their visa foreign visitors are banned from interfering in Mexican politics those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison
It is amazing to me that such a corrupt, poor country could have the foresight to stem the tide of foreigners coming to their country.
A provision of Mexican law states that officials must ensure that immigrants will be useful for the country & have the necessary funds for sustenance for themselves & their dependents. So, do you believe that those piled in crowded vans, crawling under or over the fences, running across the border in groups, have the funds for their sustenance???
They arrive here with the clothes on their backs and hope someone will hire them, ignoring the laws of the US.
Per Mexican law, foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sent to prison for 6 years! ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is a felony in Mexico. Is that just plain ironic or what?
There are prison terms outlined for those who marry a foreigner with the sole objective of assisting them to live in Mexico.
Mr. Lillpop concluded his article with a proposal that the Mexican laws on Immigration be incorporated into NAFTA emphasizing the need for standardized immigration for all.
Mexico's Immigration laws and constitutional provisions are a surprise since their government has made it very clear that they wish their citizens to have free access to the US, so they will continue to send money to their families in Mexico. Mr. Fox was particularly insistent that the US take care of Mexico's immigrants. And so we are.
I challenge all to write to their senators, representatives, our President and anyone else you can think of, maybe we could get enough ears to listen and FIX the problem of ILLEGAL Immigration. Maybe we should start with Ms. Pelosi who hasn't seen an immigrant she did not like. She does not distinguish between Legal and ILLEGAL.
I am absolutely sure that our Immigration laws/policies/procedures are antiquated and need to be rewritten. Just get a copy of Mexico's laws and use them as our own. They are 100% better than what the US is doing.
So long
This is a direct follow-up to yesterday's blog. I have done a lot of reading about the Immigration Laws of Mexico. Much information comes from the Canada Free Press in an article by John Lillpop.
Mexico's Immigration policies would surely be a big hit with Many Many Americans. The Mexican constitution also spells out the rights of its citizens and the denial of many fundamental rights to non-citizens. Wow, what a concept, people illegally in their country do not get the same rights/priveleges as their citizenry. Why didn't we think of that????
Here's a good one: foreign visitors who enter under false pretenses (such as via a tunnel) are imprisoned or deported. How much money could the US save by just sending the ILLEGAL border crossers right back? Unfortunately I could not yet find any specifics on why we detain them in our jails, costing us a ton of taxpayer money. I am sure it has something to due with attorneys and lawsuits and a Court willing to rule that people breaking our immigration laws are afforded "rights".
Mexican immigration authorities work under laws that:
have a record of every foreign visitor foreign visitors do not violate their visa foreign visitors are banned from interfering in Mexican politics those who aid in illegal immigration will be sent to prison
It is amazing to me that such a corrupt, poor country could have the foresight to stem the tide of foreigners coming to their country.
A provision of Mexican law states that officials must ensure that immigrants will be useful for the country & have the necessary funds for sustenance for themselves & their dependents. So, do you believe that those piled in crowded vans, crawling under or over the fences, running across the border in groups, have the funds for their sustenance???
They arrive here with the clothes on their backs and hope someone will hire them, ignoring the laws of the US.
Per Mexican law, foreigners who violate the terms of their visa may be sent to prison for 6 years! ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION is a felony in Mexico. Is that just plain ironic or what?
There are prison terms outlined for those who marry a foreigner with the sole objective of assisting them to live in Mexico.
Mr. Lillpop concluded his article with a proposal that the Mexican laws on Immigration be incorporated into NAFTA emphasizing the need for standardized immigration for all.
Mexico's Immigration laws and constitutional provisions are a surprise since their government has made it very clear that they wish their citizens to have free access to the US, so they will continue to send money to their families in Mexico. Mr. Fox was particularly insistent that the US take care of Mexico's immigrants. And so we are.
I challenge all to write to their senators, representatives, our President and anyone else you can think of, maybe we could get enough ears to listen and FIX the problem of ILLEGAL Immigration. Maybe we should start with Ms. Pelosi who hasn't seen an immigrant she did not like. She does not distinguish between Legal and ILLEGAL.
I am absolutely sure that our Immigration laws/policies/procedures are antiquated and need to be rewritten. Just get a copy of Mexico's laws and use them as our own. They are 100% better than what the US is doing.
So long