as Queenie Shambala came full steam thru the door of the ultra sound lab she caught a glimpse of Natalynn Winningway on the ultrasound table
the tech was moving the ultrasound wand slowly over her swollen abdomen
Natalynn looked calm and seemingly out of touch with the procedure
it was something she'd had to do so often during a pregnancy and she was mostly detached from the results
in fact Natalynn had to have many more tests and procedures then most pregnant women on the Rez
Natalynn and women like her were the reason Queenie was doctoring here
she had applied and reapplied for 3 years for a post on this particular Rez
Natalynn and her husband Joseph and their families were part of a multi-gene cleaning experiment created by the government
thru the discoveries made in genetic engineering medical science was trying to find ways to eliminate all gene linked diseases which so ravaged all Native American tribes
oh that sounded so altruistic didn't it
no more babies with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome because the native women wouldn't be drinking out on the edge of the Rez by the time they where 12
"what's up" Queenie asked
the tech stared up at Queenie with a perplexed look
"i can't find it now" she said Natalynn lifted out of her revelry and turned her head toward the screen and as per usual this early in the pregnancy she couldn't make head or tail of it, Queenie noticed and said "another perfectly normal pregnancy Natalynn you can get dressed now"
a slightly embarrassed look crossed the tech's face she turned to Queenie who motioned her to stop the scan and waited for Natalynn to leave the room "what did you see" she asked the tech "i'm not sure" as she brought up the video playback "see right there" the babys back flipped into sight and a slight almost imperceptable shadow raised from the scapular areas on both sides she backed up the video and reran the event Queenie looked carefully at the picture
"she's 14 weeks now right" "yes" the tech said "what was your impression ?" Queenie asked "it looked like some kind of possible abnormal growths to me but it came and went so quickly that i didn't form a definate opinion but i thought you should see it right away"
Queenie's brow furrowed but she didn't get that feeling that something in the pregnancy had gone wrong "thanks for the "heads up" we"ll recheck that angle again next time she comes in" and Natalynn's ultra sound was shelved until her next visit
Natalynn was in a hurry to get home
her son Michael was going to be a dancer in the Pow Wow later that month and there was still so much sewing to do on his dancing attire
she felt so well this pregnancy ,more energized than she'd been ever with Michael she was sure she would have a girl, the older women of the tribe had predicted it
A child of such stature and significance that many would know the truth of the creator's plan for her tribe
Such an auspicious prediction had not been given to the brith of a child in a very long time in her tribe
her emotions were buoyed up by it
*"yes" she thought "this will be a remarkable child"
"a child to change the destiny of her nation"
such an absurd thought in a primitive young womans head
aren't all happy pregnant young woman holding these dreams of their child's greatness
the Christian Virgin Mother must of felt that way over 2000 years ago
"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."
Native American saying
as Queenie Shambala came full steam thru the door of the ultra sound lab she caught a glimpse of Natalynn Winningway on the ultrasound table
the tech was moving the ultrasound wand slowly over her swollen abdomen
Natalynn looked calm and seemingly out of touch with the procedure
it was something she'd had to do so often during a pregnancy and she was mostly detached from the results
in fact Natalynn had to have many more tests and procedures then most pregnant women on the Rez
Natalynn and women like her were the reason Queenie was doctoring here
she had applied and reapplied for 3 years for a post on this particular Rez
Natalynn and her husband Joseph and their families were part of a multi-gene cleaning experiment created by the government
thru the discoveries made in genetic engineering medical science was trying to find ways to eliminate all gene linked diseases which so ravaged all Native American tribes
oh that sounded so altruistic didn't it
no more babies with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome because the native women wouldn't be drinking out on the edge of the Rez by the time they where 12
"what's up" Queenie asked
the tech stared up at Queenie with a perplexed look
"i can't find it now" she said Natalynn lifted out of her revelry and turned her head toward the screen and as per usual this early in the pregnancy she couldn't make head or tail of it, Queenie noticed and said "another perfectly normal pregnancy Natalynn you can get dressed now"
a slightly embarrassed look crossed the tech's face she turned to Queenie who motioned her to stop the scan and waited for Natalynn to leave the room "what did you see" she asked the tech "i'm not sure" as she brought up the video playback "see right there" the babys back flipped into sight and a slight almost imperceptable shadow raised from the scapular areas on both sides she backed up the video and reran the event Queenie looked carefully at the picture
"she's 14 weeks now right" "yes" the tech said "what was your impression ?" Queenie asked "it looked like some kind of possible abnormal growths to me but it came and went so quickly that i didn't form a definate opinion but i thought you should see it right away"
Queenie's brow furrowed but she didn't get that feeling that something in the pregnancy had gone wrong "thanks for the "heads up" we"ll recheck that angle again next time she comes in" and Natalynn's ultra sound was shelved until her next visit
Natalynn was in a hurry to get home
her son Michael was going to be a dancer in the Pow Wow later that month and there was still so much sewing to do on his dancing attire
she felt so well this pregnancy ,more energized than she'd been ever with Michael she was sure she would have a girl, the older women of the tribe had predicted it
A child of such stature and significance that many would know the truth of the creator's plan for her tribe
Such an auspicious prediction had not been given to the brith of a child in a very long time in her tribe
her emotions were buoyed up by it
*"yes" she thought "this will be a remarkable child"
"a child to change the destiny of her nation"
such an absurd thought in a primitive young womans head
aren't all happy pregnant young woman holding these dreams of their child's greatness
the Christian Virgin Mother must of felt that way over 2000 years ago
"Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way."
Native American saying