Remember the get rid of the penny and round up to the nickle. That way they could get and extra 2.5%. Now Ralph's is dropping your reward points of less than 500 in the last quarter of the year. That means, if you have 499 points on December 31, on January 1 you will lose the 499 points that is $499.00 worth of spending points and start over with 0. The government is robbing your Social Security checks for drugs and other payments for health care. Now remember you worked for this money and it was taken out of your check and held by the government all your working life and you will not recieve any intrest on it eather. The government is taxing your life style for habits that they use their morals on you that they deem are health risks. The bankshave forced you into high risk money management scemes and loweredthe intrest on your money that they are holding in savings and other money options. The government has raised the Social Security age requirements for full benifits. Remember you worked for that money and it reduced your paycheck each payday too. You did not get any intrest on that in your lif time eather!. The business people are saying you are too old when you are 30 years old now, to work. You should die in homeless shelters or in the streets of American genicide when you are over 40. The religious people think we owe them somthing when we get out of college. We owe them somthing when we are forced out of the system to die as a government sand bag to give it all to illegal labor to kill us off and make the illegal business people rich at our death. The government and business World are going 1005 electronic and not leaving a paper trail, trying to make it impossable to trace back your existance or any thing that was done a second ago. The lawyers do not want to look at what happened yesterday, which results in losing everything behind you. The communists do this when they take over a country. They burn all the government records and change all the city and street names to wipe out the past and kill off the native population which allows and invaded underground population to take over the country.
Remember the get rid of the penny and round up to the nickle. That way they could get and extra 2.5%. Now Ralph's is dropping your reward points of less than 500 in the last quarter of the year. That means, if you have 499 points on December 31, on January 1 you will lose the 499 points that is $499.00 worth of spending points and start over with 0. The government is robbing your Social Security checks for drugs and other payments for health care. Now remember you worked for this money and it was taken out of your check and held by the government all your working life and you will not recieve any intrest on it eather. The government is taxing your life style for habits that they use their morals on you that they deem are health risks. The bankshave forced you into high risk money management scemes and loweredthe intrest on your money that they are holding in savings and other money options. The government has raised the Social Security age requirements for full benifits. Remember you worked for that money and it reduced your paycheck each payday too. You did not get any intrest on that in your lif time eather!. The business people are saying you are too old when you are 30 years old now, to work. You should die in homeless shelters or in the streets of American genicide when you are over 40. The religious people think we owe them somthing when we get out of college. We owe them somthing when we are forced out of the system to die as a government sand bag to give it all to illegal labor to kill us off and make the illegal business people rich at our death. The government and business World are going 1005 electronic and not leaving a paper trail, trying to make it impossable to trace back your existance or any thing that was done a second ago. The lawyers do not want to look at what happened yesterday, which results in losing everything behind you. The communists do this when they take over a country. They burn all the government records and change all the city and street names to wipe out the past and kill off the native population which allows and invaded underground population to take over the country.