Beijing-Spring sandstorms. I would suggest a solution to this problem. To read a story in the Saturday Evening post of 1/17/1931 page 14, you would think of a better time for Beijing. You would see the Baluchitherium roaming the bogs and marshes with Mastodons and early man-Chinese?- 38E6 years-ago.The spring sandstorms would be a thing of the past with the flora of the period that were destroyed by man. A more complete story on the possibilities of this are covered in research by Roy Chapman Andrews, a naturalist from Carmel, CA..
With this said a good story on President Obama and how he could have become president of China just as well as he has of America. All we need now is to see a White man in China, or Asia in general, given any respect. Like they say, the only people you see in American cities after dark are the ones on TV, the rest are all immigrants. In Asia you don't even see a white person, I wonder why!!. Ref: Time, 3/29/10 page 42.
Beijing-Spring sandstorms. I would suggest a solution to this problem. To read a story in the Saturday Evening post of 1/17/1931 page 14, you would think of a better time for Beijing. You would see the Baluchitherium roaming the bogs and marshes with Mastodons and early man-Chinese?- 38E6 years-ago.The spring sandstorms would be a thing of the past with the flora of the period that were destroyed by man. A more complete story on the possibilities of this are covered in research by Roy Chapman Andrews, a naturalist from Carmel, CA..
With this said a good story on President Obama and how he could have become president of China just as well as he has of America. All we need now is to see a White man in China, or Asia in general, given any respect. Like they say, the only people you see in American cities after dark are the ones on TV, the rest are all immigrants. In Asia you don't even see a white person, I wonder why!!. Ref: Time, 3/29/10 page 42.