The family of Haiti's former leader, Jean-Clande Duvalier is waiting for $4.6E6 from a Swiss bank account. Haitian government people claim the money was stolen from the government in 1986 when Mr. Duvalier was forced out of the government. Mr. Duvalier is living in France.
Ref: The Wall Street Journal, 2/04/10 page A9
Also some history on this, page D8
Electronic interference could send your car into uncontrollable actions!.
Ref; The Wall Street Journal, 2/04/10 page B12
The family of Haiti's former leader, Jean-Clande Duvalier is waiting for $4.6E6 from a Swiss bank account. Haitian government people claim the money was stolen from the government in 1986 when Mr. Duvalier was forced out of the government. Mr. Duvalier is living in France.
Ref: The Wall Street Journal, 2/04/10 page A9
Also some history on this, page D8
Electronic interference could send your car into uncontrollable actions!.
Ref; The Wall Street Journal, 2/04/10 page B12