San Diego CityBeat reports that Gerry Braun, Strong Mayor's manager of special projects, was fortunate enough to attend San Diego CityBeat's 10th Anniversary Party a while back. While he was there, he read a congratulatory declaration of August 24, 2012 as "CityBeat Day," a declaration signed by no less a personage than Strong Mayor himself. Said declaration opened, shockingly enough, with a jab at this very publication before going to praise San Diego CityBeat:
Heady stuff! Alas, the laudatory tone of the proclamation was tempered somewhat by Strong Mayor's relentless honesty:
Still, it's always an honor for an alt-weekly to be honored by the political establishment. Congrats, San Diego CityBeat!
San Diego CityBeat reports that Gerry Braun, Strong Mayor's manager of special projects, was fortunate enough to attend San Diego CityBeat's 10th Anniversary Party a while back. While he was there, he read a congratulatory declaration of August 24, 2012 as "CityBeat Day," a declaration signed by no less a personage than Strong Mayor himself. Said declaration opened, shockingly enough, with a jab at this very publication before going to praise San Diego CityBeat:
Heady stuff! Alas, the laudatory tone of the proclamation was tempered somewhat by Strong Mayor's relentless honesty:
Still, it's always an honor for an alt-weekly to be honored by the political establishment. Congrats, San Diego CityBeat!