I was hanging out with a girl that I met, her name was Renee. She was a good cook and a good companion. We always had friends over and sometimes people would stay for a couple of days. .......
.......It was one of those people that stayed for a couple of days when this whole thing started. I was just working the bar for a couple of hours. This bar, you know the kind, with the old paper money with peoples names on the wall and the dust thicker on the shelves that you can't reach without trying. It was early in the afternoon and the only people in the bar were the locals. I was wiping the tables for the third time and a shadow crosses the door. I looked up and I'll be darned, it was my brother. "Gimme a beer". He says without really looking around. Now you have to understand, I did not know my brother was even in town. The last time I saw him was at the Disc Golf Course In Escondido. He had told me then that he was doing some freelance work and he was going to be in Arizona for a a while. I did not expexct to see him anywhere. least of all a crappy bar in Gila Bend. "Frank?" , He looked around not knowing why someone knew his name. "What? Oh crap what are you doing here?" He recognized "I told you I was gonna be in Gila Bend" I answered "You told me you were gonna go stay with some chick in the desert" "This is the desert and there is a chick" "Sure" he laughed .................................................
I was hanging out with a girl that I met, her name was Renee. She was a good cook and a good companion. We always had friends over and sometimes people would stay for a couple of days. .......
.......It was one of those people that stayed for a couple of days when this whole thing started. I was just working the bar for a couple of hours. This bar, you know the kind, with the old paper money with peoples names on the wall and the dust thicker on the shelves that you can't reach without trying. It was early in the afternoon and the only people in the bar were the locals. I was wiping the tables for the third time and a shadow crosses the door. I looked up and I'll be darned, it was my brother. "Gimme a beer". He says without really looking around. Now you have to understand, I did not know my brother was even in town. The last time I saw him was at the Disc Golf Course In Escondido. He had told me then that he was doing some freelance work and he was going to be in Arizona for a a while. I did not expexct to see him anywhere. least of all a crappy bar in Gila Bend. "Frank?" , He looked around not knowing why someone knew his name. "What? Oh crap what are you doing here?" He recognized "I told you I was gonna be in Gila Bend" I answered "You told me you were gonna go stay with some chick in the desert" "This is the desert and there is a chick" "Sure" he laughed .................................................