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Invasive child exam just part of the lawsuit
I'm sure the family that had their 14th amendment rights violated are sure glad you aren't a judge in family court. "Damned if you do damned if you don't". what a load of crap. As far as I know the rank of petty officer is the correct tittle, they don't call them petty seaman, or petty navy person, or in your case just petty— August 26, 2015 2:31 p.m.
Woes at Bridgepoint, United States University
I know I'm late with my comments, but I wanted to add the my esteemed US Representative Duncan Hunter wrote an editorial in the UT singing the praises of Bridge To No Where University. They donate a lot of money to his reelection campaign. It should also be stated that Bridge To No Where gets most of their money from the federal government through Pell Grants and ripping off veterans for their GI Bill money. That is our hard earned tax money that props up this phony school.— June 23, 2014 5:42 p.m.
Union-Tribune circulation takes a hit
A free and active press is key to a real democracy. All the UT is a platform for the 1% to lie and cheat the tax payer out of their right to know what is going on with the government. The UT's lack of reporting the truth and slanting all the news for what is good for Uncle Buck Manchester and his side kick Lynch, is nothing more then a propaganda pamphlet as you stated Mr. Bauder. All I can hope for is that someone buys the paper that wants to have a paper that is a check on the government and makes them walk the straight and narrow, Advocates for issues that will help the most people not just the 1%, who are only in it for their greedy selves. I can dream can't I???— May 1, 2014 4:58 p.m.
Beware of “sham” wage-increase proposal!
Isn't the ballot measure and petition signing the work Uncle Buck Manchester? Yes, that Uncle Buck who owns The UT and the mayor.— May 1, 2014 4:31 p.m.
Standardized tests shunned by South Bay parents
Ms. Phatek is absolutely correct. All of the things that she mentioned, testing, charter schools, failures in testing results, are all designed to do one thing is to make sure that public education as we know it will be gone. All these things point toward one thing and that is the privatization of public education. The wolves on Wall St are licking their lips waiting for this to happen. That is why teachers are vilified, charter schools to drain the money from neighborhood schools, break the teachers union, give tests that the students will fail, and everybody throws up their hands and says oh public education is broken. If it is so broken why aren't these charter schools out preforming the public schools on these standardized tests? Remember No Child Left Behind? What was the answer if a school didn't meet their testing goals? Why of course close down the school, fire all the teachers and reassign the administrators. Common Core is just another way to close down neighborhood schools. Here are some facts about charter schools in the San Diego Unified School District. Since their inception in the mid 90's about 1/3 of all charters have failed. The two biggest reasons for these failures is financial fraud and cheating about the number of students in class each day. Commonly referred to as the ADA, average daily attendance. All money to run these failed charters came from the districts General Fund. All money lost is not recoverable. Charters are about reinventing the wheel. When all this goes down and public education is privatized, and when you attend a local school board meeting you will see corporate heads making up the school board and telling you what your child will learn and how much it will cost you. And silly you, you thought taking out a loan for education was just for college. It will now start in kindergarten.— April 12, 2014 4:23 p.m.
Standardized tests shunned by South Bay parents
I sent two kids through public education in the late 80's and 90's. this was before the testing craze. Guess what? Both kids learned how to read write cipher, both went on to get college degrees and good jobs and are upstanding citizens of this county. So for my kids public education did exactly what it was supposed to do. Plus both are pretty good at critical thinking. I don't see how public education is broken. It worked for my family. Stop drinking the kool aide.— April 12, 2014 3:47 p.m.
L.A. NFL stadium rivals sink big cash into Brown bid
Manchester and the rest of his ilk are always quick to point out what a civic money maker a new stadium would be. Yet they numbers never add up and the taxpayers are left holding the empty bag. I believe the taxpayers in New York are holding the bag full of bonds to pay off stadiums that have already been torn down. If these stadiums are such civic money makers why doesn't Uncle Doug and the Goofus billionaire family who own the Chargers build their own, since there the only ones who will make money on the deal. Aren't we taxpayers still paying off the seat expansion deal from many years back? That was to insure that San Diego got a Super Bowl . I'm sure all of you shared in the Super Bowl orgy of money that was brought to San Diego. And ten minutes after the game was over Paul Taglaboob stood in front over one in San Diego and said no more Super Bowls for you guys until you build the Goofus family a new playground. Extortion NFL style.— December 14, 2013 3:48 p.m.
Lawsuit over wheelchair access at Torrey Pines Gliderport
I'm confined to a wheelchair and get shut out of a lot of public places, it is very frustrating. For example went to Old Town during Halloween. I was not able to enter several of the houses and museums because they were doing construction. Ambulatory visitors had no problem, so the only people left out were wheelchair users. You do feel discriminated against and angry. (Why am I the only one left out.) I went with my daughter and grand kids, the kids kept asking why I couldn't go in.— December 14, 2013 3:18 p.m.
Local home values to rise 9.3% in next year, says
I live in Rancho San Diego. This is what I've seen in the last year. A house goes up for sale and a week later the SOLD sign is put up. About a week after that all kinds of fixing up activity take place, which goes on for about a month. Soon after a FOR RENT sign goes up. The house sits empty for several months. On the FOR RENT sign they list how much per month, anywhere from $2,300 to $2,800. If you figure in the 1st and last months rent plus security deposit, that is a good chunk of change. I see these housing prices as artificial, the banks are controlling the inventory, as all these houses up for sale in my neighborhood are foreclosures. So the banks control the supply and the speculators are increasing the demand, and the average middle class family is shut out. Once the speculators start to lose money the demand goes down and so do the prices. These current prices are not sustainable.— July 24, 2013 4:48 p.m.
Acquitted on all 13 counts of vandalism, jury says Jeff Olson should be free
BofA wanted a return on their investment from "rug head", from my understanding the bank contributed lots of money to his campaign to get elected DA. The judge's reasons for the gag order and 1st Amendment defense not being allowed made absolutely no sense. On several web sites they gave out the judges phone # and address along with "rug heads", I hope they got plenty of calls and letters— July 2, 2013 8:20 a.m.