(#155) Dunno what you're referring to, Pete, but thanks.
The Norwegian group Mayhem is who you want playing the next time you blog. Try http://www.spinner.com/2009/10/23/twisted-tales-n… for info on them.
Pete, I've been thinking for some time about a couple of things. One, you've made it a matter of public record that you were raped at age 13, if I remember correctly. Two, I'm not no psychotherapist, but it's often said that for people who've experienced that sort of trauma, their psychological development ends at that point. To the menfolk reading this, think about how you were when you were a teenager. Young teenage boys are a**holes -- or was I the only one? At 13 I said exactly what I thought, I said it right to the person's face, and I didn't care who liked it. Much like Pete. I just think it's interesting how similar your behavior is to a teenage boy's, Pete. Every teenage boy has the God-given right to be an a**hole; girls somehow seem to escape this defect. Just something to think about. — October 30, 2009 3:14 a.m.
Now It's Your Thread
(#155) Dunno what you're referring to, Pete, but thanks. The Norwegian group Mayhem is who you want playing the next time you blog. Try http://www.spinner.com/2009/10/23/twisted-tales-n… for info on them. Pete, I've been thinking for some time about a couple of things. One, you've made it a matter of public record that you were raped at age 13, if I remember correctly. Two, I'm not no psychotherapist, but it's often said that for people who've experienced that sort of trauma, their psychological development ends at that point. To the menfolk reading this, think about how you were when you were a teenager. Young teenage boys are a**holes -- or was I the only one? At 13 I said exactly what I thought, I said it right to the person's face, and I didn't care who liked it. Much like Pete. I just think it's interesting how similar your behavior is to a teenage boy's, Pete. Every teenage boy has the God-given right to be an a**hole; girls somehow seem to escape this defect. Just something to think about.— October 30, 2009 3:14 a.m.
Now It's Your Thread
"When I blog,I put on the worst satanic devil music I can find on the net and let my fingers do the walkin'." Nothin' like Norwegian death metal, from what I hear.— October 30, 2009 2:13 a.m.
Now It's Your Thread
"The great Wall Street experiment was good while it lasted but I'm losing everything that I've made in the last year or so when I started this venture." S***, dude, I coulda told you gambling's for fools. Let us know what kind of work you decide to look for.— October 30, 2009 1:06 a.m.
Jetty Fix or Foul-Up?
They don't call it a drought for nothin', Pete.— October 29, 2009 9:13 p.m.
Stringers Are NOT Reader Reporters, plus Taylor Swift's Taylor Guitar, Local Blogger Silenced By Killers, Wavves Calls SD "Wretched," SDMA Fishwrap, Zappa, Weiland, Axl, Blackheart, Ms. Beatle, Halford, Mower, more
Thanks, Pete. Glad we got that straightened out.— October 29, 2009 7:33 p.m.
Stringers Are NOT Reader Reporters, plus Taylor Swift's Taylor Guitar, Local Blogger Silenced By Killers, Wavves Calls SD "Wretched," SDMA Fishwrap, Zappa, Weiland, Axl, Blackheart, Ms. Beatle, Halford, Mower, more
Mr. Board, I realize you may find it amusing to call Antigeekess Geek, and I am sure she finds your childishness amusing; we all do. You may or may not be attempting to ridicule the fact that she is clearly more intelligent than you could ever hope to be, but that is not the point in any case. Her avatar is not Geek, it is Antigeekess. The opposite meaning of your new choice of name and therefore incorrect. If you are too lazy to write out Antigeekess, you can surely type two initials: AG. Just trying to help you not appear as ignorant as your writing indicates you actually are. By CuddleFish 12:28 p.m., Oct 29, 2009 ========================================= Oh, for f***'s sake, Fish. Talk about making a fuss over nothing. He shortens her name to something more usable and you make an issue of it. And by the way, her "avatar" is not "Antigeekess," her screen name/handle/nom de screen is "Antigeekess." And the entry at the top of this page is an entry or post; the thread is the string of comments that follows. Or maybe I'm the only person on the web who uses those terms that way.— October 29, 2009 2:52 p.m.
Who Killed Richard Swink?
"Sex machine," I think it was.— October 29, 2009 4:41 a.m.
Stringers Are NOT Reader Reporters, plus Taylor Swift's Taylor Guitar, Local Blogger Silenced By Killers, Wavves Calls SD "Wretched," SDMA Fishwrap, Zappa, Weiland, Axl, Blackheart, Ms. Beatle, Halford, Mower, more
Plus, if I may add, my parents have cultivated roses for decades and had cats too, and they've complained about rust, aphids, and mildew, but they've never complained about kitty crap. The defense rests.— October 29, 2009 4:33 a.m.
Stringers Are NOT Reader Reporters, plus Taylor Swift's Taylor Guitar, Local Blogger Silenced By Killers, Wavves Calls SD "Wretched," SDMA Fishwrap, Zappa, Weiland, Axl, Blackheart, Ms. Beatle, Halford, Mower, more
(#113) "Does Lillian, with her rose bushes, have to go out and deal with buried cat poo in her garden?" It's buried, so I don't think it's an issue.— October 29, 2009 4:03 a.m.
Friends Are Like Jewels
"I think it was fumber, but can't be positive. Someone of that ilk." There is NO ONE else of Fumbler's ilk. He represents the gold standard of idiocy. He is in a class by himself. He stands alone.— October 29, 2009 2:41 a.m.