(#84) "You are going to reward Pete with a meal because he looked at dictionary.com, and found that the N word might be used to call someone stupid...." If possible, yes. You'll recall that we made a bet, he complied with the terms of my wager, and he won. (On a technicality.) It's as simple as that. And I would have done the same for you.
"If you think he is going to take your advice (uh, advice repeated by many of us, again and again and again) not to use the N word, you are making another--let's say--coprocephalic--bet. I guess you are daddy substitute while refried's on hiatus. Enjoy your meal."
Dunno; didn't know Gringo was gone. I wonder if you castigate Patti Smith just as harshly as you do Pete. Thank you for the kind wishes though. — November 7, 2009 12:22 a.m.
Did Dominelli Study Ponzi?
I didn't say it sold for $111.15, I said somebody's charging that. Some of those dealers are on drugs. The whole collectibles market is way down these days. Just look at any category you've ever followed on eBay; nobody's paying the stupid money for anything that they used to pay. Which means, of course, that now's a great time to buy stuff up, if you've got the money. Don Bauder books are a great investment, I hear.— November 8, 2009 5:07 p.m.
Did Dominelli Study Ponzi?
(#75) Well, one copy is going for $111.15 -- that's what they're charging, anyway. That should salve your self-esteem. Anyhow, look through the bargain bin at half.com and you'll see that you're in good company.— November 8, 2009 1:30 p.m.
Supreme Court Justice Asks: Who Passed Bribe?
It's a JOB that points a hose at a fire and sprays water on it... Hmmm...— November 8, 2009 1:12 p.m.
Supreme Court Justice Asks: Who Passed Bribe?
Firewhiner is a GED job that points a hose at a fire and sprays water on it-a trained chimp could do it. By SurfPuppy619 8:04 a.m., Nov 8, 2009 ======================================== A trained chimp that doesn't mind risking its life in a burning building.— November 8, 2009 1:10 p.m.
Did Dominelli Study Ponzi?
(#70) As usual, plenty of copies going cheap at half.com (http://product.half.ebay.com/Captain-Money-and-th…). You're welcome.— November 8, 2009 1:02 p.m.
Employment Numbers Worse Than Reported, but Main Street's Pain Is Wall Street's Gain
(#7 & 8) Aren't those teabaggers kind of sorry they chose that name? (Somebody explain this to Don -- off-list.)— November 7, 2009 11:20 a.m.
The Sordid, Grisly Details
(#84) "You are going to reward Pete with a meal because he looked at dictionary.com, and found that the N word might be used to call someone stupid...." If possible, yes. You'll recall that we made a bet, he complied with the terms of my wager, and he won. (On a technicality.) It's as simple as that. And I would have done the same for you. "If you think he is going to take your advice (uh, advice repeated by many of us, again and again and again) not to use the N word, you are making another--let's say--coprocephalic--bet. I guess you are daddy substitute while refried's on hiatus. Enjoy your meal." Dunno; didn't know Gringo was gone. I wonder if you castigate Patti Smith just as harshly as you do Pete. Thank you for the kind wishes though.— November 7, 2009 12:22 a.m.
The Sordid, Grisly Details
(#80) That entry is apparently based on the Random House Dictionary. Good as print, as far as I'm concerned. I was hoping to avoid "wiktionaries" and even less authoritative sources, which seem to be found mostly online.— November 6, 2009 9:29 p.m.
The Sordid, Grisly Details
(#76-77) A growing troll's gotta eat, and I'm a man of honor. Pete and I made a bet, I lost, and I owe him. And Miss A to the G, if you're serious, then I will; only thing is, what's the cut-off point? I'd say after seven days.— November 6, 2009 9:06 p.m.
The Sordid, Grisly Details
You win on a technicality, Pete. "NI&&ER is an ignorant person! Look it up in the f***in' dictionary!" And after consulting enough dictionaries, we were able to come up with one that listed "ignorant" as part of one definition ("a person of any race or origin regarded as contemptible, inferior, ignorant, etc."). I still think that's a bit distant from "an ignorant person," and in fact it seems to me that that definition has ignorance as *one* of several qualities rather than the sole or even main quality. Still, I apologize for harshing on you earlier, and I never at any time meant to make you feel stupid because I know you're not. I would recommend striking from your vocabulary your use of the word "n!gger" in the sense that you intend simply because that meaning just doesn't get heard. Trust me, it doesn't. For that reason I think you'd be better off adopting some other phrases; I'm fond of the word "dumbs***" myself. Or "epsilon-minus semi-moron" or "coprocephalic." Be creative. Contact me off-list and we'll settle up.— November 6, 2009 8:39 p.m.