This is the ramp at the Children's Pool. It was the primary access for the public and served the disabled in wheelchairs for decades. Please support restoring access to the disabled to their own Pacific Ocean Access on the West Coast.
This is the Grandfather of all ramps to the high water mark on a beach. What is amazing is that none of the Mayoral Candidates even know these facts, and instead feel that a harbor seal needs the protection of a U.S paraplegic United States Navy Seal. Thisis not logical. The Children's Pool could and should be a Fantastic ADA Ocean Pool, sand dredged out to restore the size and slucieways opened to keep it clean and wash out the sand to make the pool. A great ADA Ramp updated and we will have lots of disabled flocking to San Deigo to stay , not just hold noses from stench and peek at seals pupping in their own poop.
Please support ADA Access and a balance ocean environment.
[email protected] R.A.M.P. Committee
November 18, 2013