Please ask Mayor Sanders why City Charter section 225 (page 5) is ignored.
Many contracts with the City are with Delaware LLCs, that would show Conflicts of Interests if the City Chartered Section 225 was followed and the owners of the Delaware LLC were identified.
— July 12, 2010 3:15 p.m.…
This issue includes the City misappropriated Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) money to fund the formation of Maintenance Assessment Districts (MAD) and the Business Improvement Districts (BID) all over San Diego.…
In relation to the Homeless, the City of San Diego misappropriated Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HUD Loans that are meant to solve our Homeless problem. CCDC leveraged the CDBG funds by subsidizing luxury private condominiums and hotels, instead of spending the Federal money on the poor.
Not only did the Federal Government skewer the City of San Diego for stealing Federal funds 2 years ago, next Tuesday, July 13, 2010 CCDC and the Redevelopment Agency are trying to insinuate that HUD approved the forgiveness of $144 in the same Federal debt that was misappropriating and acknowledged as part of the Federal HUD audit linked above.…
The City and Mayor Sanders are purposely trying to be the anti- Robin Hood, in that the City is still trying to steal Federal Funds for the poor, to give to new projects including the new luxury Hilton Hotel near the Convention Center. — July 10, 2010 8:40 a.m.
Ballpark Study Confesses: "We Hastened and Greatly Worsened the Glut"
CCDC and the Redevelopment Agency are trying to resteal $144 Million in Federal funds to leverage tax increment funds for private developers. In 1992 in CCDC’s Social Issues Strategy Report and Topical Focus Plan, CCDC promised to solve downtown Homeless problem if taxpayer allow the addition of Little Italy, Cortez, Core, and East Village into CCDC's Project Area expansion. The Social Issues Strategy to resolve Homelessness has failed miserably. The Audit Report 2009-LA-1005 for the City of San Diego’s Administration of Redevelopment Agency Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Projects by the Office of Inspector General for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), dated December 30, 2008 documented the Redevelopment Agency and CCDC’s failure to properly administer $228 million in Federal CDBG funds and HUD Section 108 Debt that could have been used for Emergency Shelter for the Homeless and provide social services to reintegrate the Veteran population.…— July 18, 2010 4:08 p.m.
Judge Confirms Ruling; Sanders Must Give Deposition
Both Liberty Station and the Navy Broadway Complex use Delaware LLCs to hide the names of the owners. Many believe that City employees and leaders push projects through specifically so they can personally make money. McMillin's ongoing lease contract with the City is not valid because McMillin NTC is a Delaware LLC. Almost all contracts for both large and small Development projects use separate Delaware LLCs.… In Point Loma each new condominium complex is built by separate Delaware LLCs as affordable apartments. A contract is signed for at least 10 percent affordable housing between the Delaware LLC and the City. Then the apartments are subdivided into luxury condominium converstion and no affordable housing is ever built.…— July 13, 2010 7:47 a.m.
Judge Confirms Ruling; Sanders Must Give Deposition… Please ask Mayor Sanders why City Charter section 225 (page 5) is ignored. Many contracts with the City are with Delaware LLCs, that would show Conflicts of Interests if the City Chartered Section 225 was followed and the owners of the Delaware LLC were identified.— July 12, 2010 3:15 p.m.
Judge Confirms Ruling; Sanders Must Give Deposition… This issue includes the City misappropriated Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) money to fund the formation of Maintenance Assessment Districts (MAD) and the Business Improvement Districts (BID) all over San Diego.… In relation to the Homeless, the City of San Diego misappropriated Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and HUD Loans that are meant to solve our Homeless problem. CCDC leveraged the CDBG funds by subsidizing luxury private condominiums and hotels, instead of spending the Federal money on the poor. Not only did the Federal Government skewer the City of San Diego for stealing Federal funds 2 years ago, next Tuesday, July 13, 2010 CCDC and the Redevelopment Agency are trying to insinuate that HUD approved the forgiveness of $144 in the same Federal debt that was misappropriating and acknowledged as part of the Federal HUD audit linked above.… The City and Mayor Sanders are purposely trying to be the anti- Robin Hood, in that the City is still trying to steal Federal Funds for the poor, to give to new projects including the new luxury Hilton Hotel near the Convention Center.— July 10, 2010 8:40 a.m.
Did Sanders Order Detective Reprimanded?
AG Jerry Brown sold out San Diegans before, and he will do it again. For the Sunroad project that was trying to close down the City-owed Montgomery field, Attorney General Jerry Brown refused to investigate the claims by the City Attorney, and ignored his requests. However, when the Mayor's office asked for the AG's help, the AG's San Diego office wrote a unsigned report stating that no laws were violated. We spoke to the Attorney General in San Diego to see if he read our Sunroad Corruption reports that were part of the public record, He said he never read our report, and did not know they existed or where part of the public record. The Attorney General can start an investigation at a City Attorney's request, but cannot start an AG investigation at the request of a Mayor. That is why the AG's white-washed Sunroad report was unsigned.— April 6, 2010 4:18 p.m.
Questions Abound in City's Planned Refunding of Stadium Bonds
The inclusion of the “1996A Stadium Bonds” for the “Qualcomm Stadium structure, site, and certain surrounding property” was to release the underlying land “from existing financing encumbrances.” Getting rid of the debt that is tied to the Qualcomm Stadium, may be so the 84-acres of developable land of the 166-acre publically owned site can be sold or leased to San Diego State University (SDSU). If our public land is sold, according to the City Charter the taxpayers get to vote on the sale. If our public land is leased, the money could be used as a yearly source of income.— March 8, 2010 8:09 p.m.
Questions Abound in City's Planned Refunding of Stadium Bonds… The 487 pages of backup documentation for tomorrow City Council meeting is linked above.— March 8, 2010 10:43 a.m.
Ambitious yet homeless, Eric Bidwell runs for mayor of San Diego
Photographs of Eric Bidwell at Mayoral Debates.… Photographs of Mayoral Debate…— April 17, 2008 5:41 p.m.