The following sentence was edited out of the article I sent in:
According to “Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501c3 organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign.” This explains why I wrote the sentence about non-profits and illegal activity.
I was told that Mr. Megison was just too busy to answer questions via email on Tuesday but that he would try to answer them on Wednesday. Mr. Megison sent nothing on Wednesday either. — December 4, 2019 10:26 p.m.
North County Women's March "was not anti-Trump"
Oceanside City Manger Deanna Lorson responded after 5 pm: "I have been in meetings all day and was unable to respond sooner. OPD initially requested that the applicant pay approximately $1400 for one sergeant and 3 officers based on the 2019 event which was staffed with 3 officers and a sergeant and extra officers were called in due to safety concerns with the event flowing into the street. Upon reviewing the application which indicated the event was only a rally, not a march, with anticipated attendance of 300 vs. 600 in the prior year application, the requirement to pay for extra police services was removed. However, OPD chose to send a team to observe the event to ensure that there were no issues. Attendance was estimated by city staff at 1200 total, with approximately 700 at one time."— January 21, 2020 8:22 p.m.
The North County battle over artificial turf
Nan Sterman- Yes I attributed quotes to you that were said by someone else. The article has been corrected. I tried to call you Tuesday to go over them but you did not get back. Nevertheless, it was my mistake and I regret the error.— January 15, 2020 8:01 p.m.
The life and death of Oceanside mobile homes
Hey "retired guy"......this wouldn't be the guy with the card table who tries to shake down seniors while they are paying their rent at Rancho San Luis Rey for money so they be part of a group that does absolutely nothing for Oceanside mobile park homeowners would it? I ran out of space or else I would have gone into the whole GSMOL scam. Tell us what exactly these people are paying dues for again! I am told and believe to be true GSMOL has never helped a single Oceanside mobile home renter. There is so much going on with so many Oceanside mobile park owners and GSMOL is and has been nowhere to be seen. Please put on your big boy pants and identify yourself. Oh, and while you're at it, please share what in the article is false. Keep in mind, what you do in the dark will eventually come out in the light. This is the third Oceanside mobile home park story I have done in three years and think they have helped to illuminate what a tragic scene it is for many seniors in Oceanside. Oh, and by the way, my "heavily-quoted source" has never tried to shake down threatened seniors for money like others who seem to scavenge them like prey.— January 6, 2020 9:11 a.m.
Oceankamp development promises surf park
Somebody wondered why Zephyr would spend all the money and time to import five feet of dirt throughout most of the site when they don't have approval. I asked them that. The fact is that floodplain mitigation would have to happen no matter what is built there. Zephyr knew they were buying floodplain when they bought the property. They are importing the dirt based on the previously approved plans to build big box retail.— December 26, 2019 6:07 p.m.
Carlsbad on road to Manhattan Beach
Council member Cori Schumacher responded via email December 18, the day after this article appeared: “After speaking with our staff I have to correct something I said in the article. The project on State and Oak was approved by the Planning Commission (November 2014) and the City Council (January 2015). This was before I was elected to Council."— December 18, 2019 3:58 p.m.
Homes at end of Oceanside Blvd. claim emergency
While two requests for comment from Oceanside assistant city Manager Jonathan Borrego and planner Russ Cunningham were ignored, they finally did back to me AFTER the article came out. As it turns out the permit granted for the installment of the revetment was not labeled "emergency." Yes, it was granted due to home owners fear of beach erosion and it was granted expeditiously. Yet, the city did not deem it "emergency." Still, this marks the significant beginning of a new trend where individual coastal cities can grant such permits independent of the Coastal Commission, sand the Coastal Commission does not seem too mind, as was noted in the article. This is a sea change, if you will pardon the pun.— December 11, 2019 10:17 a.m.
Bread of Life closes overnight homeless shelter in Oceanside
This was sent in to me after the article came out: Members of the public may send information that raises questions about an exempt organization's compliance to ...… and Oceanside residents can also file a complaint against Solutions for Change for violation of their non-profit status to the CA Office of the Attorney General:— December 4, 2019 10:39 p.m.
Bread of Life closes overnight homeless shelter in Oceanside
The following sentence was edited out of the article I sent in: According to “Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501c3 organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign.” This explains why I wrote the sentence about non-profits and illegal activity. I was told that Mr. Megison was just too busy to answer questions via email on Tuesday but that he would try to answer them on Wednesday. Mr. Megison sent nothing on Wednesday either.— December 4, 2019 10:26 p.m.
Oceanside realtors not too worried about oceanfront homes
One common response I have heard: Most of those signs are for vacation rentals and they stay up year round, peddling hotel-like vacation stays while posing as a traditional real estate sale signage. People have said these signs that never go away. They are up all the time. They are packed together within a one-mile strip of prime property. Some say this does not do Oceanside any favors.— November 27, 2019 11:03 a.m.
Anger against North River Farms may lead to recall, referendum
It needs to be noted that Feller is the only candidate for next year's mayor election who supports the NRF project, and he has been plied with tens of thousands of dollars in donations from developer Integral over the years. Mayoral hopefuls Rocky Chavez, Ruben Major and Esther Sanchez are all against it. According to everyone I speak with (unscientific, of course), I would say the ratio of ANTI-NRF to PRO-NRF is probably three to one. In other words 75% of Oceanside voters are against. Interestingly, that's the same ratio as the four candidates for mayor. The people who spoke last night were overwhelmingly against it. I think the number was 38 to 8. This is what happens when they don't bus in employees and "clients" of the Solutions for Change homeless/drug group. The best line of the entire Novemeber 6 meeting was from Solutions for Change founder Chris Megison who said, (paraphrasing) that if you support this project, heroin use will decrease. And three council-members bought it! Rodriguez is getting recalled. We will see what happens with Feller and Weiss.— November 21, 2019 11 a.m.