Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
The Garrison/Evergreen developer built up the grade in July 2016 shortly after demolition was complete.
Dirt was dropped off in July 2016 to build up the grade on Garrison and …
Demolition is done on Jarvis (between Rosecrans and Locust). Three stories are planned with a …
It's unclear if the project at Garrison and Locust is planning on building three or …
The subterranean garages have begun at Garrison and Locust.
There are currently seven projects within a half-mile radius in Roseville that have applied to …
They mate in April or May and nesting starts shortly after. Nests are made out …
The California least tern next on open beaches and feed on small fish.
(photo credit: Jetty Cats - San Diego)
Feeding the cats during the day means chasing the seagulls away (photo credit: Jetty Cats …
A volunteer feeds the cats at the jetty at night, she then watches from afar …
Cat at the jetty (credit: Backyard Kitten)
Condos with a view (view from the current home)