Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
"Hookah lounges tend to cluster in certain neighborhoods. Way out in Scripps Ranch there is …
Per Yelp, several lounges list that they don’t close until 4:00 a.m. Riebau said, “Technically …
Nearby Rolando residents and business owners have been trying to deal with issues related to …
Hookah lounges have been a heated topic in East San Diego for years, especially this …
Blue Nile, 7202 El Cajon Blvd, Rolando. Former unpermitted pot shop turned hookah lounge had …
The biggest change will be in the penalties for false alarms. As it is now, …
"We spent aprox 20,000 hours a year responding to false alarms." This costs close to …
"This will reduce police time by responding to false alarms by an estimated 70 percent," …
"We’ve known for quite a few years now that roughly 77 percent of all of …
"I thing you are probably going to see the 40,000 estimated permits probably double in …
"I personally have worked on this for seven years and watched many different faces come …
"Accidents happen, false alarms happen . . . I just think not giving people one …
“You are suggesting, and for a moment you convinced me actually, that with the [reduction] …
Zapf said to the alarm industry folks, "Sorry guys, but in my experience it’s the …
Councilmember Ward at Father Joe's Village announcement to provide 2000 homes.
The Adam's Recreation Center is right next to the homeless camp.
Adam's Elementary School is next to the Recreation Center next to the homeless camp.
Kids were playing ball in field next to homeless camp.