Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
Air Pollution Control District representatives (right) said the city's request for a continuance was based …
The city's deputy city attorney (right) was first up to ask for a continuance.
The city's deputy city attorney was first up to ask for a continuance citing too …
Janis Deady cut her vacation four days short to testify. After 22 years living in …
University City resident Amy (left) looking through what looked like complaint forms before the hearing. …
When the winds blow east to west between November to April, Clairemont and University City …
The abatement petition noted composting was a potential odor source while also stating that any …
Miramar takes in 2500 tons per day with weekday peaks over 4000.
Landfill circa 2009 (provided by the city)
Landfill circa 2016 (photo provided by the city)
The city has been testing devices like this odor control machine.
May 9, 2017 inspection - eight days after petition for abatement was signed.
In October 2016, an inspection showed exposed waste outside of and on top of the …
In 2015, Faulconer announced the landfill would stay open until 2030. Switching to "pancake lift" …
In 2013, a report showed changes in personnel requirements, supervisory structure, spreading and compaction, equipment, …
2011 inspection showed waste on top of tarps and green material not compacted.
In 2009, inspections revealed violations for exposed waste, ripped tarps, and methane gas readings above …