Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
Scripps Ranch High was built circa 1990 in the affluent community of Scripps Ranch.
Michael McQuary
Students in San Diego get to find out how they did on their advanced placement …
"This is a first for our district," said Michael McQuary from San Diego Unified.
Madison Dekker stayed up until 1:00 a.m. and created a petition.
On June 30, Dekker stayed up until 1:00 a.m. to create a petition. She awoke …
The rules for seating are strict and specific.
Students must agree to their test scores being invalidated, even if through no fault of …
Proposed facility layout. There was concern about the single road into the site.
Rivard said it is their intent to complete the open-space trail.
Design character study by SRM.
As far as the architectural design, the architectural firm is open to whatever the community …
Harris asked the planning group about 15 years ago if residential would be a better …
Rivard commented on the unusual situation saying that earlier that day the city "had a …
Chad Harris, owner of Seabreeze Farms, said the horse facility was built about 15 years …
Some of the open space would be retained by Harris for a significantly scaled-down facility …
White had to remind everyone several times that this wasn't an approval of the project.