Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
Plants, trees and flowers were seen at every turn as Collin's drove me around the …
Collin's said the city is demanding he obtain a permit so he can sell the …
The city's 81 page guide book on special events doesn't mention decibels or noise buffers.
Part of the Uptown community plan update, adopted in 2016, dealing with noise from special …
Wilson said he doesn't want to unduly interfere with special events because he enjoys them …
November 2016 Susan Komen event. The white picket fence is along Sixth Avenue. Some of …
"Let me come out and say we have a problem - it's very serious. There …
"So the West Mesa subcommittee letter seems to require 50 feet and 70 decibels, which …
At the meeting, members of the West Mesa subcommittee discussed the need to establish a …
In January 2017, a letter was sent to the mayor and city council asking for …
Brian Schoenfisch from the city's planning department thanked the West Mesa subcommittee and Uptown Planners …
"So what you're saying is that irrespective of what the residents on Sixth Avenue are …
"So it says here that events violating this maximum allowance may be turned down or …
The Moreton Bay Fig sits next to the Natural History Museum.
Balboa Park Carousel back in the day
During the 1915 exposition, the county's exhibition building was where the Natural History Museum is …
During the 1915 exposition, the county's exhibition building was where the museum is now. Nearby …
The Moreton Bay Fig is all that remains today from the county's 1915 exhibition orchard …