Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
A group of transients were evicted from the bridge in 2007 (San Diego Union Tribune).
In late May, a member of the public reported seeing a person exiting a manhole …
Councilmember's Ward and Gomez recently visited a tiny homes village in Seattle. Both are members …
What appeared to be two homeless men hugged each other goodbye. One went off toward …
This exit on the bridges deck offers one path for transients into the bridge.
After exiting the bridge's deck, to the left is an idyllic area with twisted trunks …
Immediately after exiting the bridge's deck into the canyon, trash on the grounds and graffiti …
It appears most individuals are accessing the bridge through the abutment doors located at the …
Transients are accessing the bridge through abutment doors and manholes which both lead to the …
Manhole at the base of the bridge.
The transients are using a number of manholes to enter and exit the bridge.
Looking over the side of the bridge, I saw a movement in what appeared to …
Graffiti was seen all over the bridge. This "LDK" has an arrow pointing to other …
So much graffiti near the homeless camp and freeway.
"We will win" graffiti next to a cartoon bomb created in 2017 near the homeless …
Graffiti at the base of the bridge. One says "We will win" next to a …
(courtesy of Joseph Huang)
Those driving under the iconic bridge probably have no idea they are also passing by …