Julie Stalmer is a Reader contributor. See staff page for published articles.
Some pet friendly landlords find themselves turning into non-pet friendly landlords because the cost is …
The housing crisis have forced some families to choose between keeping the family pet and …
Brown with his beloved Sutter Halloween 2016. Sutter died late-2016.
Governor Jerry Brown
Maienschein with Chester, a dog up for adoption at an ASPCA event in August — …
Former San Diego city councilmember Brian Maienschein, now a state Assembly member, introduced the pet …
Planning Commissioner Chair Haase wants city staff with personal knowledge of the project to be …
Barrio Logan hasn't had their community plan updated since 1978.
"We already have too much pollution, we have the freeway, we have the bridge, we …
A typical view kids have while playing at a nearby park.
Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal. "The community can't enjoy the waterfront. They [industry] might have to …
The community plan update ball started rolling again this week - sort of.
The boards had photos ranging from community gardens to shipping facilities.
The city's focus area (in yellow).
"We had 50 meetings where we went through this same process prior to the city …
"Instead of a proposal, they brought stickers and boards. Community members aren't kids — we …