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Downtown homeless people driven north by cops
Am I wrong in believing the homeless issue spiked when the gentrification of East Village began?— December 1, 2017 6:59 p.m.
neighborhoods/downtown-san-diego -- Downtown San Diego
By george, you are right. In fact, the entire thing is ridiculous. I must have been druck.— February 6, 2016 8:38 p.m.
AirBnB, the elephant in the room
exactly!!!— August 23, 2015 4:35 p.m.
For the love of dog
it's okay olga. i have a huge problem with humans putting such high value on their lives over other living, breathing creatures. we torture them by the million killing them ruthlessly and mercilessly because we can. maybe it would tastes good, or make a pretty coat, or it's just not conducive to our lifestyle. we wipe animals out to the brink of extinction and then fight like hell to replenish their numbers. we hunt them for sport. raise them in cages under appalling condition. use them in experiments and ridiculous vivisection that will have no baring on anything. we treat them all like they are disposable and hold ourselves in such high regard as a whole, but don't think much of each other on an individual basis. so save the "for the love of God" crap and go a head and be disturbed, cuz lives of these beautiful creatures are being destroyed because the were breed to be easily tainted by our callousness. i do value the lives of others, but not over the life of another. maybe you should pay attention and you may see the dogs aren't the problem. humans are. if i came and knocked on your front door and asked for a bite to eat and something to drink would you oblige or turn me away like a dog?— June 4, 2015 10:36 a.m.
For the love of dog
you should just sit back and let go of your urge to right yourself in having the last word because you have just wrote another unfavorable article and taken up three weeks of space in the reader that could have otherwise been used by someone without such a huge ego. this is where you got me, "(huge) difference," blah. blah blah...., "...people have inflicted on other people because of their race, religion, whatever," really? what about the immense suffering that we inflict on dogs and cats or any creature we seem to feel like just because we are human and think ourselves to be superior over them for the multitudes of reasons? so what that forty two Americans were killed by pitbulls last year. do you have any idea of the amount of dogs and cats we kill every year in the US? it totals are close, if they don't exceed the number of human that currently live in the USA, and that is just in the shelters alone. Are you aware of the misery that is inflicted on a dog that has to live out it's life in research labs , be it long and suffering or short and painful? your need to put points of interest in numerical sequence, your know-it-all attitude, and your thinking are a turn off for me so i just had to stop reading after the fourth or so paragraph. if you were a dog and i were a bigot, i bet you would be a pit bull. anyway i don't ranting on, so i am just going to end this now.— May 10, 2015 6 p.m.
Ryan Leaf released from Montana prison
Don Bauder was this just your shameful way at taking a jab at the UT; wanting to give the San Diego public another reason to shun the paper? Your story was hardly note worthy. It showed little to no journalism, just a few pretty easy to get stats that a 5th grader could put together. But most of all it was arrogant. Sure hope you never have to feel as low as I'm sure Leaf does at this point in his life. He is not the one who pumped himself up to be some sort of super hero. It was the media, as you pointed out with the UT article, which was probably like a dozen other articles written by a dozen other media sources. Just as your article for the Reader probably isn't the sole commentary on Leaf's release either, but yours is in poor taste. p.s. i also think it a little arrogant that you are monitoring the comments on your article and replying to each one. This is not a forum for your argument, so have a seat. you spoke your mind already— December 6, 2014 12:30 a.m.
Scum of the earth shoots parrot
Scum of the earth seems a bit harsh, don't you think? People jump on the band wagon to kill coyotes. Wait, let me use a better example...., pigeons or "flying rats' as they are affectionately called. I don't suppose you're aware they are regularly poisoned by the city to keep their population down? Kids kick them. Construction workers throw the crumbs from the lunch into the street just so they can hopefully see one get smashed by an oncoming car Another good example is seagulls. They are a nuisance to many, so some legislation allows for killing, destroying of their nests and/or destruction of their eggs, but i don't hear too much name calling over that. Ducks, pheasants, quail.......... But someone shoots a parrot out of the sky and hold on to your hats. There is about to be so name calling over that beautifully loud bird squawking around in the sky with all of his other loud feathered friends. Funny how we humans deem which creatures are acceptable to kill for food, sport, and out of the sheer fact that they cause us annoyance. Then we fight like the dickens to preserve some species we have taken to near distinction. Hopefully someday we will be able to control the human population, til then we just got bigots. not to say that i'm not in favor, or condone or sit idly by if someone hurting another creature of any kind. i won't even smash a spider, but i'm not a saint either.— October 9, 2014 9:44 p.m.
neighborhoods/east-village -- East Village
I've got an idea for re-purposing plastic grocery bags. At least in the affected parts of East Village, there should be recycling bins for plastic bags placed strategically in parts of the village. Making them available for those that choose to poop where ever in lieu of access to traditional plumbing.....Yuck! Less crude is the people version of a doggie bag, or disposable toilet!!!! It has handles, so just poop in the bag, scoop up the handles, and throw your shit away!!! Wouldn't this be a reasonable solution to a problem? Also it will help keep a percentage of plastic bags from polluting our oceans. They are now weighed down and unmoved by the wind. and on another note it, for years i've thought that having a native american on a tootsie roll tootsie pops wrapper would fetch a free sucker if the wrapper was brought back to the store, now i found that the indian and the star on the wrappers has never meant a damn thing. not to tootsie roll. if i were tootsie i'd honor it (and just make smaller suckers .....)…— November 2, 2013 6:20 a.m.
neighborhoods/north-park -- North Park
there have been repeat visitors at the house down in switzer canyon lurking around on a frequent basis. keep an eye out for them and keep your neighborhood safe from people— July 25, 2013 12:09 a.m.
neighborhoods/downtown-san-diego -- Downtown San Diego
Q- many trolly cops does it take to issue a ticket to one person? A- minimum of 5 one to find that you don't have fair that one and another to try and tell you your under arrest those two and another to make sure their capture doesn't get way (after all you are under arrest) one of the above three and yet another to stand there and talk crap and finally, the one that is actually able to write the ticket, because none of the goons above are able to issue tickets— June 25, 2013 10:37 a.m.