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Beyond Cult Controversy: The Mate Peddlers of the Twelve Tribes
TWELVE TRIBES CHILD PUNISHMENT is frequent and painful for even the slightest attitude or foolishness. Corporal punishment may be applied by any adult member with love. “The blueness of the wound drives away all evil.” (October 1980 Child Training -Notes from Teachers Meeting - Page 5) “Unless your son has blue wounds, by this standard, you know what kind of a standard is in you — it is the spirit that hates your son. If one is overly concerned about his son receiving blue marks you know that he hates his son and hates the word of God.” (Execution of Justice – Page 1)…— September 28, 2013 8:21 a.m.
Yellow Deli People: mellow believers or cult of opportunists?
TWELVE TRIBES CHILD PUNISHMENT is frequent and painful for even the slightest attitude or foolishness. Corporal punishment may be applied by any adult member with love. “The blueness of the wound drives away all evil.” (October 1980 Child Training -Notes from Teachers Meeting - Page 5) “Unless your son has blue wounds, by this standard, you know what kind of a standard is in you — it is the spirit that hates your son. If one is overly concerned about his son receiving blue marks you know that he hates his son and hates the word of God.” (Execution of Justice – Page 1)…— September 28, 2013 8:20 a.m.
Beyond Cult Controversy: The Mate Peddlers of the Twelve Tribes
The home circumcisions need to stop for the babies and uncircumcised teens who move in. Think about how barbaric this is, and unsafe. One teenager tried to circumcise himself, because he didn't want someone else doing it to him. When will these religions finally move beyond various shades of blood sacrifice. They talk so much about the Apostle Paul/Shaul, well, he said circumcision doesn't matter at all! The reasons it matters in the Tribes and the reason they do it at home is all because the infallible pope Apostle and Anointing Yoneq (Gene Spriggs) said that's how it would be. As far as I'm concerned all the Abrahamic religions haven't done much for the world. What do you think? When does freedom end and illegal abuse begin? Who gets to decide?…— September 22, 2013 11:58 a.m.
Beyond Cult Controversy: The Mate Peddlers of the Twelve Tribes
In 2000 in Connecticut a couple belonging to the group pleaded guilty to third-degree assault and cruelty for disciplining their children with a 30-inch (76-centimeter) fiberglass rod. All parents i've know in the Tribes love their children, but the Teachings and child-discipline is very very strict, i'd say severe and because of the frequency of it for trivial matters and because "blue wounds show you love your child" it's abusive. Yoneq could wake up tomorrow morning and change this, and all the members would have "to take on the mind of the Anointing." But it's not likely to happen. I guess all this makes me appreciate non-religious people and science, because the whole world of religion can become as dark and murky at times as organized crime. It's sad. Some people are looking for genuine love, and friendships, and to know God, and sometimes religious groups take advantage of this. When I lived as a member in the Tribes, I had to go along with everything. Everything. Whatever was decided, that's what you believe, that's what you think, that's what you tell others is the truth, whether you really believe it or not. Personally, I don't think it's right to worship Jesus/Yahshua, but of course they do that and bow down to bread and wine weekly. If they'd lighten up even a little on the child punishments and get even an extra hour or two sleep each night, it would be a far more healthy lifestyle, but they still would be taught they are the only ones pleasing to God. I still have love in my heart for the Twelve Tribes. It was better when we simply called ourselves the Communities. It definitely became more cultic with the Twelve Tribes label and branding. A big mistake. They will not "bring about the end of this wicked age." Humans have been here for a very long time, and are likely to remain here a very long time, regardless when Jesus returns. The Tribes won't bring him back, no matter how harshly they discipline their children to try to produce 144,000 male celibate evangelists ("the Male Child"). The Tribes worldwide membership is about 4000 and half the children leave when they get old enough. It could take as many as 300,000 adult members to get enough male children to fulfill Yoneq's prophecy. Will take a very long time before "The Race" begins to be a perfectly obedient People for 49 years and have Jesus return on year 50. I surmise by then, the Teachings will change, when Jesus doesn't return when they think he should. The Teachings will change to protect the image of the group. Because the group image is far more important than any individual member or individual health and happiness. I wish it could be the life of love they talk about. But as one brother recently told me, "We're not really here to make the world a better place."— September 21, 2013 10:15 a.m.
Yellow Deli People: mellow believers or cult of opportunists?
in 2000 in Connecticut a couple belonging to the group pleaded guilty to third-degree assault and cruelty for disciplining their children with a 30-inch (76-centimeter) fiberglass rod. All parents i've know in the Tribes love their children, but the Teachings and child-discipline is very very strict, i'd say severe and because of the frequency of it for trivial matters and because "blue wounds show you love your child" it's abusive. Yoneq could wake up tomorrow morning and change this, and all the members would have "to take on the mind of the Anointing." But it's not likely to happen. I guess all this makes me appreciate non-religious people and science, because the whole world of religion can become as dark and murky at times as organized crime. It's sad. Some people are looking for genuine love, and friendships, and to know God, and sometimes religious groups take advantage of this. When I lived as a member in the Tribes, I had to go along with everything. Everything. Whatever was decided, that's what you believe, that's what you think, that's what you tell others is the truth, whether you really believe it or not. Personally, I don't think it's right to worship Jesus/Yahshua, but of course they do that and bow down to bread and wine weekly. If they'd lighten up even a little on the child punishments and get even an extra hour or two sleep each night, it would be a far more healthy lifestyle, but they still would be taught they are the only ones pleasing to God. I still have love in my heart for the Twelve Tribes. It was better when we simply called ourselves the Communities. It definitely became more cultic with the Twelve Tribes label and branding. A big mistake. They will not "bring about the end of this wicked age." Humans have been here for a very long time, and are likely to remain here a very long time, regardless when Jesus returns. The Tribes won't bring him back, no matter how harshly they discipline their children to try to produce 144,000 male celibate evangelists ("the Male Child"). The Tribes worldwide membership is about 4000 and half the children leave when they get old enough. It could take as many as 300,000 adult members to get enough male children to fulfill Yoneq's prophecy. Will take a very long time before "The Race" begins to be a perfectly obedient People for 49 years and have Jesus return on year 50. I surmise by then, the Teachings will change, when Jesus doesn't return when they think he should. The Teachings will change to protect the image of the group. Because the group image is far more important than any individual member or individual health and happiness. I wish it could be the life of love they talk about. But as one brother recently told me, "We're not really here to make the world a better place."…— September 19, 2013 8:56 a.m.
Yellow Deli People: mellow believers or cult of opportunists?
I would still see it the same, regardless how many people go along with hitting babies and children and teaching that black people should still be slaves to white people unless they join the Tribes. They consider themselves "true Jews" what a joke. They are true pretend jews. Wannabee Jews. I like many of the people I have met in the Tribes and I don't doubt the sincerity of many of those, but the fact remains it is a very high-control communal group and the founder, Elbert Eugene Spriggs (Yoneq) and wife Marsha (Haemeq) became monarchs with their own "government". Spriggs is considered "the Elijah" and "the Anointing." He is neither. It is yet another Abrahamic religion based upon human sacrifice and blooshed. I miss the friendships I had there, but not Yoneq's doctrines. They say "college is stupid" but they call their own ignorance, "wisdom." They often only get 5 hours sleep a night working for free. They say they love one another, but they do not really take care of one another. It's about serving the group, The commune and the movement is far more important than the individual. Women are not allowed in any positions of leadership. What ever Yoneq and Haemeq decided and decide, that's how everyone believes. And if you decide to believe differently about anything, you will be judged by "Our Father" (God). I finally decided I didn't need to live at the Tribes to be saved or to earn my salvation before God. That God really is love, and that Tribal membership is not one of His requirements.— September 19, 2013 7:46 a.m.
Beyond Cult Controversy: The Mate Peddlers of the Twelve Tribes
You'll really have no idea of what life is really like in the Tribes, unless you join - "enter the covenant" and live there for a year as a member. There is much talk of love and unity, but when it gets right down to it, it's about uniformity. "We do it this way..." "We dress this way." "We raise our children this way." "We eat these foods." It's always about "we" because "me" "has died in the waters of baptism." The "me" has gone from being free to bondage or death. Death in a covering called love and unity. But the real name is uniformity. "You are to come when you are called and go when you are sent." "You are no longer your own, you have been bought with a price." (And, you shall work for free!)— June 5, 2013 6:46 p.m.
Beyond Cult Controversy: The Mate Peddlers of the Twelve Tribes
Twelve Tribes Community Communal Cult 17+ hour work days while standing most of the time. All believe and do what the founder Gene Spriggs has taught. All of Christianity and the Christian Jesus is condemned as demonic, and the satanic scarlet whore of the Bible book of Revelation. Birthdays, Christmas and other holidays are not celebrated. Children are frequently hit with balloon sticks by any adult member for any form of disobedience or “foolishness.” Childrens toys, dolls, and stuffed animals are not allowed. Claim Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. deserved to die. Claim black people should still be slaves to whites unless they join. Claim to be the only people forgiven and being saved by God. Claim to be the only people who have the Holy Spirit. Claim to be the only people who will bring Jesus back to earth by eventually birthing 144,000 celibate male evangelists and being perfectly obedient to God for 49 years. Claim to be the only place on earth where anyone can be saved by God. Founder Elbert Eugene Spriggs “Yoneq” is unquestioned Prophet Pope. Home births and home circumcisions are required. Childbirth pain is God’s will and is not to be lessened in any way. Males must wear fur-face beards, short ponytails, and untucked shirts. Medical and dental neglect is common with no health insurance. Medications of any kind are generally not allowed. Non-Tribes reading material of any kind is not allowed. Shaving any part of the male of female body is not allowed. Telephone calls to non-member family and friends is by permission. Television, radio, personal music devices and internet aren’t allowed. Women are not allowed in any leadership positions. You can leave, but you’re damned to Death for 1000+ years or eternal Hell. You’re rarely be able to visit friends and family “in the world.” Your whole life is scrutinized and completely controlled everyday. “It is through many trials and tribulations that we enter the kingdom.” “You just need to die, and give up your rotten sticking life in the world.” “Where did you learn to think anyway? In the world?” “You just need to die and take off your head (personal reasoning), and take on the mind of the Body (Twelve Tribes). “You just need to die, and receive your brothers and let them handle you.” (If the Twelve Tribes is not a cult, then what is a cult?)— May 28, 2013 6:16 a.m.
Yellow Deli People: mellow believers or cult of opportunists?
Twelve Tribes Community Communal Cult 17+ hour work days while standing most of the time. All believe and do what the founder Gene Spriggs has taught. All of Christianity and the Christian Jesus is condemned as demonic, and the satanic scarlet whore of the Bible book of Revelation. Birthdays, Christmas and other holidays are not celebrated. Children are frequently hit with balloon sticks by any adult member for any form of disobedience or “foolishness.” Childrens toys, dolls, and stuffed animals are not allowed. Claim Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. deserved to die. Claim black people should still be slaves to whites unless they join. Claim to be the only people forgiven and being saved by God. Claim to be the only people who have the Holy Spirit. Claim to be the only people who will bring Jesus back to earth by eventually birthing 144,000 celibate male evangelists and being perfectly obedient to God for 49 years. Claim to be the only place on earth where anyone can be saved by God. Founder Elbert Eugene Spriggs “Yoneq” is unquestioned Prophet Pope. Home births and home circumcisions are required. Childbirth pain is God’s will and is not to be lessened in any way. Males must wear fur-face beards, short ponytails, and untucked shirts. Medical and dental neglect is common with no health insurance. Medications of any kind are generally not allowed. Non-Tribes reading material of any kind is not allowed. Shaving any part of the male of female body is not allowed. Telephone calls to non-member family and friends is by permission. Television, radio, personal music devices and internet aren’t allowed. Women are not allowed in any leadership positions. You can leave, but you’re damned to Death for 1000+ years or eternal Hell. You’re rarely be able to visit friends and family “in the world.” Your whole life is scrutinized and completely controlled everyday. “It is through many trials and tribulations that we enter the kingdom.” “You just need to die, and give up your rotten sticking life in the world.” “Where did you learn to think anyway? In the world?” “You just need to die and take off your head (personal reasoning), and take on the mind of the Body (Twelve Tribes). “You just need to die, and receive your brothers and let them handle you.” (If the Twelve Tribes is not a cult, then what is a cult?)— May 28, 2013 6:13 a.m.